АлександрД Have you heard of this?
Sorry, just found this topic, that you mentioned to me. (In case of more fast reply - send me brief remind in PersonalMessage in the future

I know about her techniques. I know her.
We had trainings in same pool in the University of Sport, in Moscow. (She had work there as a teacher of water sports department) Very frequently I met her there.
But my first meet with her was in the subway, it was in time, when I was a beginning freediver, and some years before my first dive with SCUBA.
I`d asked her - "Are you Natalya?", and we discussed how is possible to pass education with her.
I did not start to train with her, because price for
this education was quite high.
But I read many articles from her and her team how to dive on the breath hold.
Late, at the diving exhibition, when she promotes her favorite mask Cressi Minima I`d discussed with her about Aqualung Aquasphere mask...
She told me, that is the best, and much better than Sphere...
Some years later she and her team used just Aquasphere
Also we have in our country another nice and quite famous freediver -
Natalia Avseenko.
When I had try to discuss with her, how is possible to learning with her - she started to speak about Yoga, diagnostics of me for chakra`s etc...
I`m immediately stopped all my ideas to learning in
her school.
Then, I met
Julia Petrik and her colleague - Oxana Dragun.
I discussed with Oxana about education ways, and that I`m not accept any Yoga ideology, etc.
She gave me the best answer - I can teach you using Yoga methodic, using exercises, but without any brainwashing ideology, etc.
It was the great answer for me...
... less than one year later I got ability to pass my first SCUBA class, and then I was no need to learn freediving techniques for AIDA card...
But I still using freedives sometimes, just for me, just to relax.
In the beginning I had camera (Panas TZ-3 with WP box), and had not any certificates.
And I found (sure, after reading many articles of physiology and freediving techniques) that it is possible to make nice pictures even without SCUBA.
"Turtle on the tree"
AND - I found during my free dives - When you stop thinking - you can stay underwater much longer and you got better pleasure.
In that case I`m absolutely agree with
You've seen me dive. I go into a complete Zen. I relax to the point that I feel, hear, and see almost everything around me.
And all freediving theory confirm, that
"AD leads to “empty” consciousness or, in other words, to cessation of inner dialog – this permits to react more quickly and adequately."
is true.
First - stop inner dialog inside your brain.
Second - STOP THINKING about anything around you - START TO FEEL IT.
This has very simple base - You brain consume too much oxygen, and when you change your thinking in to relax and feeling mode - your oxygen consumption decrease.
Also when you body more relaxed, your muscles have less tonus, and in total you again consume less oxygen.
BUT! Related to diving - I suppose, that total "Stop thinking" is fully UNacceptable.
With scuba you have enough gas to breath.
But also you can have any situation, when you need immediately react.
In that case - you should keep minimal thinking level to keep analyse of your environment.
Sure, body relax (and calm in your mind) is very useful, because it also helps you to decrease oxygen consumption.
P.S. MS World is great to correct my mistypes