Unless someone is doing exploration,then most cave information is well documented,and it is prudent to ask questions of people before entering a system you've never been in. Your's is a very good question because all too often I see people take a full set of tanks,and perhaps a stage;then do their dive with inadequate deco gas. By inadequate deco gas I mean a small capacity tank where there is no reserve which allows for delayed exit,or a buddy's gas failure. When I first started cave diving the norm was a steel 72,mainly because there weren't any available haskels,but this large capacity was very handy. To this day I never use an aluminum 40,but prefer a steel 46 where I have the extra volume at 3000psig. This came in handy once when after a longer dive when my buddy lost the gas in his deco tank,so we were able to use my tank to complete both our decos. FWIW,still have my 72 with O2,and keep handy for real deep dives,but I have an 85 that has been converted to this role.