@Alaskan Scuba Dude, post #5 said the SI was 1 hour and 50 minutes.
@Ahmedben, when you say the second dive was "mostly at depth," do you mean it was mostly at a depth of close to 33 meters, or just that most of the dive wasn't spent on safety/deco stops? The first one is what is usually meant by the question, but unless I've screwed up the math, you'd have to have a pretty impressive SAC rate to spend anywhere near 46 minutes at anywhere near 33m and only use 170 bar.
Also, I'm not a tech diver, but for those in the thread who are: wouldn't that kind of profile on air incur a lot more than 11 minutes of deco? My Teric's deco planner says that after 45 minutes at 33m/100 feet on air, I'd need 4 stops totaling 49 minutes, and that's with no residual nitrogen. Obviously coming up even just a little helps a lot in that regard, but even if I drop it down to a max depth of 80 feet (24m) for 45 minutes, I get 3 stops totaling 24 minutes. I'm thinking most of the dive had to be spent at a much shallower depth.