Deco Or No Deco? What Happened With My Two Computers???

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Long story short, I decided to go with what my Oceanic said and I ended up "bending" my Nitek. Did I truly go into deco and blow a deco stop or is it just a technicality between the computers?

There's a reason that the NiTek is often referred to as the "Bend-O-Matic"

PS - the answer to your question depends on which computer was your primary. If the Nitek, then yes... you went into deco and blew off the stop.
Typically when I leave the bottom with around 10 minutes of Deco -by the time I get to the bar I am cleared except for the SS. I have learned the computer and got a good feel for how it behaves at different depths. I do a deep stop at half max depth, even when not required and as long as the max depth was less than 130, the stop clears a lot. I also ascend VERY slowly from 35 to 15 feet which often clears the last few minutes.

You probably already know this, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Whenever you're past or even really close to the no-deco limit, an emergency ascent, which is the last backstop for problem solving for recreational divers, becomes significantly more risky.

While it's nice you do a slow ascent and a safety stop, you may not always be able to if "something bad" happens, unless you always carry enough redundant gas in a separate cylinder (doubles, pony, whatever).

You probably already know this, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Whenever you're past or even really close to the no-deco limit, an emergency ascent, which is the last backstop for problem solving for recreational divers, becomes significantly more risky.

While it's nice you do a slow ascent and a safety stop, you may not always be able to if "something bad" happens, unless you always carry enough redundant gas in a separate cylinder (doubles, pony, whatever).


I should have expected and anticipated a response like this. My point was not to emphasize dive planning, risk with passing NDL, etc - but to point out how this particular computer and algorithm behave to a specific type of ascent.

And for the record - yes - Im diving with doubles (120,100 or 95s), sling bottle, and always have at lease one second stage on a 20 ft hose at the bar - from the boat,
This is so funny!!! You just do not know. I urge you to print that post out, put it in your sock drawer, and pull it out and re-read it 3 years from now! We all said that, is the joke. lol

We all also bought the duo or simmilar for the same reason you stated. It will serve you well in gauge mode later. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

buy v planner now. It is an excellant choice for planning all dives, ndl or deco.

Haha, you may be right! However I primarily plan on diving caves and rocks look like rocks whether you are at 30 ft or 230 ft. :) Plus I don't cherish the idea of doing any deco that is greater than 30 min. I get bored easily. :)
If you chose to ignore the decompression advice from your Nitek you might as well put it gauge mode. You can practice estimating what your other computer will say from depth and time readings from the Nitek. You just need a reasonable plan, and as you found not all the plans spit out by every computer make a lot of sense. Still you need a plan. It is even better if you and your buddy have the same plan.
Haha, you may be right! However I primarily plan on diving caves and rocks look like rocks whether you are at 30 ft or 230 ft. :) Plus I don't cherish the idea of doing any deco that is greater than 30 min. I get bored easily. :)

Find me this in 30' and I'll sell all my deco bottles :wink:

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