Steve you or anyone else can look up on tdi sdi website . That the store and the instructor is (are ) not in teaching status ... you can call headquarters and ask... if they are so inclined to tell you the story, so be it , i took the time to follow it (the story or investigation if you like ) myself , to answer you direct question , i personally saw (knew ) of standards breach and as per OUR commitment to the agencies (more than 1) i did what WE ALL agreed to do (leadership) it , because of not doing the right thing (my opinion of course ) i no longer teach for ACUC (along with another instructor who decided the same ) i get really pissed at some instructors (up to higher level instructors ) breaking standards , and thinking that because they know people (friends of the people running said agencies ) or have been around since "Christ was a corporal " that they can " get over " with breaches when the rest of the conforming instructors go about teaching in a proper manner never breaking standards . sorry for the rant but had to get this off my chest . do i believe he is still a danger .....? who knows hes still in possession of a teaching certificate ......i can always be called to testify ..............(.i always keep great records ) of what i see hear read .................tiwiw