This post was posted in an other section of the forum earlier but I was recommended this forum and thought I should share it here with you.
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Wreck diving images by Alex Dawson
Dear wreck divers. I am new to this forum but I thought I should share my new web site with a lot of wreck photography images to all of you.
you will find them at Photographer - A L E X - D A W S O N - Undervattensfotograf or Photographer - A L E X - D A W S O N - Undervattensfotograf if you use a device that doesn't support flash like iPhone/iPad etc... Feel free to leave comments here about what you like and don't like. I know that the site has problems with IE9 but if you update your flash and system it should resolve that problem.
If someone else has any good link's to wreck photography web sites that you would like to share with me for inspiration, I would be more than happy if you posted it here.
Kind regards!
// Alex
you will find them at Photographer - A L E X - D A W S O N - Undervattensfotograf or Photographer - A L E X - D A W S O N - Undervattensfotograf if you use a device that doesn't support flash like iPhone/iPad etc... Feel free to leave comments here about what you like and don't like. I know that the site has problems with IE9 but if you update your flash and system it should resolve that problem.
If someone else has any good link's to wreck photography web sites that you would like to share with me for inspiration, I would be more than happy if you posted it here.
Kind regards!
// Alex