Guidelines for this forum section are to prevent blamestorming and support analysis. I wrote about my experience with the goal
to learn from it and to
prevent a second time. I do like the approach by
@northernone since I don't either like feeling like I roll the dice on my next deep adventure.
As for those who are judging my decision to do some shallow diving: I discussed it upfront. I've spent 392 minutes under water since the incident, on high nitrox mixes and I felt better after each dive. The
advice against diving for a period of time is very general and even differs from country to country. Rhetorical questions like
If you had taken another hit shortly there after, would DAN insurance covered that too? do not add any value to mishap analysis.
The first scan results from my shoulder made yesterday, show zero damage. Next scan will be MRI to check for possible detailed residual damage.
I quote Dr. Neal Pollock with another slide (and I'm pretty sure the usage of this slide is within the intentions of his presentation):
"If you've been bent once, and you don't change your practice, you are very likely to get bent again. If, on the other hand, you get bent once and find religion, you are likely to never ever have a problem again"
As for hydration, peeing after the dive would resemble color 3 and 4. I drank 1,5 liters of water after the dive and it took another 20 minutes before I had to pee.
So, what I will change:
- no repetitive deep dives with deco obligation, only one single dive per day
- slower ascent rate
- hydrate more before the dive
Thank you to all divers who have helped me in understanding what has happened. Keeping my mouth closed about my decisions that lead to DCS would not have helped me in trying to prevent a re-run.