DC1200 pics from Australia

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Katy, Texas
# of dives
500 - 999
Here's some of my pics from my 7 day liveaboard trip on the Spirit of Freedom out of Cairns, Australia a couple weeks ago. Somehow, my housing partially flooded halfway through the trip (still haven't figured out why it happened), but at least I was able to get some decent pics before it happened. Looks like I'll not only be buying a replacement, but a backup internal camera in case it happens again.


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OK. Now why are these photos SO much better than many many others that people have posted here with the same camera? Many 1200 photos are excessively cast with pink tones, desaturated, etc.

How were these shot, what settings, etc.? There is no EXIF data associated with them.
OK. Now why are these photos SO much better than many many others that people have posted here with the same camera? Many 1200 photos are excessively cast with pink tones, desaturated, etc.

How were these shot, what settings, etc.? There is no EXIF data associated with them.

I would also like to know this. I just got my 1200 and leave for Bonaire in a month. Great pics!!

scubadiveilat, thanks for the compliments! I guess that depends on where you were wanting to post them?

guggie, I don't know that I'd say that... While, yes, there are quite a few like you mentioned, I've seen some pretty good shots using the DC1200 posted on here. I'm not sure how to make the EXIF data viewable on here, but if there is a particular photo or two you are curious about, I'll be more than happy to tell you that info. Aside from that, I guess there's a few possible reasons.

First, I use dual strobes. From what I can tell, a lot of the other pics that turn out like you mentioned don't. Also, the positioning of them is obviously important as well for even coverage, or a more dramatic effect depending on what you're going for. That's really just learning by trial and error.

Another thing you may notice is that a lot of my shots are macro. With this camera, the closer, the better (Speaking of which, Buck, you'll love Bonaire for that purpose. GREAT macro stuff there. Take a look at my Bonaire album when you get a chance). I tend to manually set the strobe strength depending of depth and lighting, but other than that, I usually use macro flash and macro focus settings. Always get as close as you can, then get closer.

If it's more than a few feet away, don't bother using your strobes. You'll typically just get a ton of backscatter. Manually setting the white balance on this camera is a bit of a pain compared to others I've seen with a hot-key for that purpose, but it's a must. The preset blue water white balance settings just aren't precise enough. Also, a little post-production processing (I use Aperture on my Mac) never hurt anyone...lol. I don't know how to do any of the fancy stuff, but I'll add in a little saturation or contrast if needed.

Other than that, it's really just learning by trial and error. Not to mention, I probably only end up keeping one out of every 5 pics or so. And, the fifteen pics above are probably out of the couple hundred I probably took before my housing flooded...lol. Just keep taking shots. Even when you think you got the one you want, take another one. Don't over think the manual camera settings. There really aren't that many of them on this camera anyways (only 2 f-stop options), and the auto usually does a good job. Spend your time getting your composition, focus, lighting, and white balance correct.

I forgot that I had this as well... Here is a pic of me preparing to take pics of, what ended up being pic #6 above, with my DC1200 (turning the power back on since the battery life isn't too great)... I figure that just in case there is any doubt, this just about as good of proof as any...lol. Don't read anything into my strobe positioning, distance from the subject, or the wide-angle lens attached... Like I said, I was only turning the power on here.


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Fantastic colors and great composition. May I ask what you are using to set the white balance underwater? And do you reset for each location or find that one adjustment suffices for one depth?
Thanks. Much appreciated. When I use the strobes, I just leave it on auto-white balance unless I'm not shooting macro and I have time to set it manually. The auto is calibrated to the temperature of the strobes, so there isn't much point in overriding it when using them, especially in macro. For wide-angle shots, I'll usually use a white board and try to reset about every 10 feet or so of depth change, or when there's something I want a good shot of. Sometimes, there just isn't time for that though with this camera when switching back and forth between auto w/ strobes and manual w/o. When not using a strobe at all, it's probably best to reset for each subject, or as often as possible, since simply changing directions or not being able to have the sun at your back will dramatically change the ambient lighting. I'm sure others have different ways of using this camera, or using the manual settings, but this is what I do.

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