DC1200 Haig Quarry pics

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Got to test out the new camera my wife got me for my B-day..

All the shots are with the wide angle lens, I should have took it off for a couple shots but I didn't want to mess with it so I just left it on the whole time. I took shots of everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING. Most of them were taken around 20 ft. The guitar and sat dish was around 35/40 if I remember right.

I diffidently need more practice with it, but this is what I got for first time use. I had the external flash on for all the shots too, if I turned it off the pics didn't come out for jack since the poor visibility.

The battery drained a little fast...but I don't think I had it charged fully so I will have to test that in my next dives.

Picasa Web Albums - The Ghost - 100DSCIM
I dive Haigh quite often so I can relate to those shots. They turned out very good.Were you using one strobe or two.

Before people question the green hue, let me point out that currently, the surface temp there is about 85* Because of the extremely warm water and little to no movement, there is an incredible amount of algae, especially at 20ft or less.

Don't know how you did it but whenever I take pics there, I have a ton of particulate that the strobe reflects off of and the fish and diver's masks are just one big flash. I'm ready to give up.
I was using 1 strobe.

I bought this:

Sealife SL708 DC1200 Elite Set Digital Camera

I took half of them with the camera right out of the box and on the second dive I went into the camera and set it on underwater mode. I forgot to take some video while the camera was in underwater mode.... I will have to do it next time.

Strobe was set on auto. I did have some really blurry pictures and some dark ones with particles. I deleted them from the rest of them. Probably only a totally of 6 though. They were all my fault. I either forgot to turn the strobe on or was moving the camera way to fast to catch a fast moving fish.
Make sure you set the manuel WHite Balance I have the same camera dive in same water type. Setting the white balance will change to color spectrum to make the colors better underwater. If you are setting the Manuel white balance, What I have been told is you should reset it every 5-10ft. Or you could leave it on Auto. Just remeber to only slighlty depress the button so you let the camera Focus and adjust. If you are diving with the Strobe make sure you set the camera up so it knows you have the strobe attached and let it do Auto.
I have the DC800 with 2 strobes. Everything is set to Auto. Funny because the "preflash" for focusing, the screen looks great until the strobes fire. Then everything goes to hell.
Have you tried just useing 1 strobe?
Tried that last week. Not much better. Even tried changing the resolution from fine to super fine (or whatever it's called). That produced even more scatter. Personally, I think I'm just a challenged individual when it comes to this stuff.
I got my settings cranked to super fine and all that jazz. I think I got a 2 or 4 gig card and I can take up to 600 pics. I got a couple spare sd cards so meh why take a sub par pic when I can just as easly swap out sd cards since they are so cheap.

Does your camera take good picures fine out of water? I noticed a couple pics that I deleted that were all white I was just too close to the object which I was taking a picture at. I think my hardest thing is going to be getting the distance down. Then agian that will al change once I go in the ocean.
On land it takes wonderful pics. But you're right, the distance from your intended "target" is a key. With your strobe, how do you have it positioned...is it straight up, off to the side. Do you have it pointed directly at your subject.

Where in IL are you? Wouldn't mind getting together and compare settings. I think the next time I'll be at Haigh is Wed, Sept 15 (weather permitting). Any chance you can make it? Our dive club has a monthly Hooky Dive that day.
I live in pekin(near peoria area). The strobe I have it kinda tilted so I try to keep the strobe pointed at what I am taking a picture of. If I remember right I seemed to be always adjusting it since I was always tinkering with my rental gear that day.

I'm not sure when I will be up in haigh again, since my dive buddies are more wishy-washy then a girl trying to pick out a dress on a date. When I get home I'll check my schedule and see if anythings planned and maybe I can plan a trip up there.

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