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From what he said, he didn't thumb it -- he indicated he wanted to ascend and level off some 30' above/away from the group on a dive with some current. I can see why an instructor would prefer to keep a diver with the group under those conditions absent an actual thumb. At that point it's up to the OP to either thumb it or tell the instructor to piss off while the OP does what he needs to do.
He said he signaled the instructor that something wasn't right and that he wanted to ascend to a shallower depth.....he was told no. That is piss poor leadership on the part of the instructor. Period. There is plenty of wreck to dive at 70'.
I am a slender guy. I do not go to the gym but do lead an active lifestyle. My job puts about 6 miles under my feet daily.

We were on the sheltered side of the ship. I had already been scoping out the railing on the upper deck which was at the 70' mark. The current was mild that day.

I think the biggest contributors were I underestimated the effect my lingering cold would have and overexerting myself multiple times.
Did you add any weight for the new hooded vest? Losing 7 of your 14? pounds would be bad but if you also needed some extra for the new vest that would be really bad.

One thing that has worked for me several times now when I started to feel funny under some stress and exertion has been to do a complete exhale all the way out, take a deep breath and do it again. Three times now the uncomfortable feeling has gone away that fast. I have to assume it has been CO2 from shallow breathing.
Glad you made it back! sounds like a very challenging dive.
I did do a thumbs up followed by a depth number. Sorry for not being more descriptive. Writing is not a strong point for me.

One thing i also need to clear up. I do not and would not solo at those depths. I solo in 40' or less. I am a little crazy but im not dumb. Under 50 dives here. 25 of my 33 dives were solo hunting teeth in venice. I do not blame the instructor. It was my choice to follow.

---------- Post added December 9th, 2013 at 10:35 PM ----------

Did you add any weight for the new hooded vest? Losing 7 of your 14? pounds would be bad but if you also needed some extra for the new vest that would be really bad.

One thing that has worked for me several times now when I started to feel funny under some stress and exertion has been to do a complete exhale all the way out, take a deep breath and do it again. Three times now the uncomfortable feeling has gone away that fast. I have to assume it has been CO2 from shallow breathing.

I added 2lb to my setup for the vest. My goal was to get to depth I remember feeling right and then get my breathing under control.
Number 1 and 2 are the big ones which probably instigated the rest. Let's face it, right after a cold you always feel good until you work and then you realize that may be you arn't as well as you thought.

As a Solo diver you need to make the correct decisions and act on them. You made the right decision at depth, don't make a habit of letting others talk you out of it.

Good Diving

I may be old, but I'm not dead yet.
I wonder if having the vest, which was a bit tight, also contributed to not being able to breathe efficiently and clear your CO2.

I do think the instructor did not behave properly. At that depth, if a student indicates something isn't right and they want to go shallower, I certainly wouldn't argue with them. I think you can make a very delicate judgment call about not allowing an OW student in 20 feet of water to surface over a minor issue -- but you'd better be right, and be prepared to deal with the consequences if you aren't. Holding a student at 90 feet when they don't want to be there is very poor judgment on the part of an instructor in my book.
The tight vest definitely could have impacted. I went on a trip to Socorro with my 5mm custom suit that I had not worn in about five years. It was not so custom anymore and was like diving with a boa constrictor. It would not let me breath. I did all the dives in a 1.5 mil skin and froze. Most dive 30 minutes.
... I attribute the above situation to the following missteps on my part. About the only thing I did right the whole trip was call the second dive.

1. Just coming off a chest cold.
2. Not fully rested.
3. Diving on an empty stomach.
4. Not following my usual gear check routine.
5. Over exerting myself at depth.
6. Using a new untested piece of gear on a non typical dive for me.

I'd also add:
7) You allowed yourself to be rushed and proceeded before you were mentally squared away.
8) Sounds like your communication was faulty (did not communicate the seriousness of your situation)
9) Didn't realize that really small and seemingly inconsequential missteps could add up to larger more magnified problems later on.

A bad day of diving can usually be traced back to a series of poor decisions and/or compounded problems. It is experience that will help you recognize that you are getting in trouble before you really get in trouble. I'm not trying to pick on you but your inexperience came out that day. Don't allow others to rush you. Make sure you are squared away mentally and equipment-wise before diving. I think part of the problem was your communication with the instructor... Or your instructor was negligent/incompetent!

As for the missed weight, I once forgot a 3lb weight and my normal high-40's sac went to mid-70's. Don't underestimate being properly weighted and trimmed. Just adds to the ingredients for making a bigger problem.

Good luck going forward. You came away with something better than an AOW certification that day... you got some good real-life experience and lived to tell about it. Hopefully, you're a better diver now and will apply some of that new-found experience!

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