statistics = exact science about not so exact numbers
all this numbers don't mean anything and should not be used for anything but drawing graphs...
what jerk actually calculated the "median depth" - when I go diving next time, I'll be very nervous at 92ft, but when I hit 100 it will be ok
all this numbers don't mean anything and should not be used for anything but drawing graphs...
what jerk actually calculated the "median depth" - when I go diving next time, I'll be very nervous at 92ft, but when I hit 100 it will be ok

jviehe:The report is always pretty interesting. Here are some highlights i found in this years report (2002 data)
-reported dive injuries are down, but reported dive fatalities are up, but still very few at less than 100
From PDE data (voluntary survey of 17000 dives by 1500 divers)
-nitrox usage is up, and a higher % of women use nitrox than men by almost twice as much, though women still make up less than 30% of divers
-computers remain the most widely used method of planning a dive, and a larger amount of divers use guides
-most divers wait 22-30hrs before flying after diving
-of about 9000 dives, equipment problems were reported less than 1% of the time, with the weight belt and fins being most commonly reported at 44 times each
-there were 7 cases of DCS in the 17k dives, with an overall tendancy of 5.5 cases per 10k dives in the last 5 years
-163 chambers reported about 1100 cases of DCS
-54% of injured had 5 or more years of diving since cert and 50% had less than 20 dives in the past 12 months
-injured divers were mostly using air, with 10% on nitrox, and 5% on heliox or trimix
-median depth for injured was 92ft
-most of the time symptoms of DCS appeard within 3-6hrs of diving, with 14% reporting symptoms before another dive!
-89 reported
-68% of male deaths were aged 40+
-men with 6yrs or more since cert were most frequent fatalities
-half of fatalities had reported equipment problems, with BC being most common, and computer in 1 case
Great report if you can get it. Might try Kazaa