Damaged plastic wheel on Flathead VI

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Southern California
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recently I damaged the plastic wheel on my flathead VI (long story .... let's just say I broke it) and I was wondering where I could find a replacement. Looking at how it works, it seems to me that the wheel comes as part of a sub-assembly unit.

I bought the Flathead used from my instructor ... can I still go to an authorized dealer to get the wheel replaced?
Or can I just buy the wheel - somewhere - and replace it myself?
I figure that if I have the "wheel kit" it will take me 58 seconds (going veeeery sloooooow) to replace it.

Best Regards,

Your local Zeagle dealer can order one for you. Doesn't matter where you bought the reg.

DIN Wheel Zeagle Part # 341-0142-AA
Any Zeagle dealer can order you one in.


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