There are ten sections in my Dacor repair manual for Pacer second stages:
Pacer Second Stage
Pacer Aero
Pacer Gemini XP alternate
Pacer Gemini XLP alternate
Pacer XLE / XLT / Ice Pro / XLE AER
Pacer XLS (metal)
Pacer XLS (plastic)
Pacer XLB
Pacer XLP / XLPG
Pacer Formula / XP / Ice / Dry Ice
I occasionally scan sections of the manual for folks such as yourself with an established presence here on ScubaBoard. My free-ware pdf maker is very slow and labor intensive, so I need more detail of what second stage you have.
We can probably eliminate the two alternates because they are just left mount variants of other second stages. That leaves eight to choose from. If you don't have your owner's manual, or other definitive information, a good picture would help. Or PM me and we can exchange descriptions until we've narrowed it down. After we've established what you need, PM me your email address (don't post it here) and I can send you the scanned section of the manual.
By the way, you might get more responses if you ask a mod to move this thread from the Tanks, Valves and Bands forum to the Regulators forum.