I received a used Omni when I purchased a used Reg set and had the same problem but I believe the cause is that the pressure sensor was damaged possibly by the former owner opening the sensor plug and inadvertently damaging the very delicate connections that are under a coating of emulsified gel. Since then I think I've really toasted itbut now I know what was in it. It seems like a very poor design seeing the tiny silicon wafer connections are so exposed. There may have been a shield removed on the unit I have the cause the damage. Then again it could also have been a combination of someone trying to fix the wrong part when it could have been the electronics. Anyway, long story, mine still counts down but I'm not exspecting it to recover. I just wondering though if it's possible to get a new sensor to replce the damaged one but I think it's just a pipe dream.
Good Luck with it.
Oh I just bought a used Genesis Computer on Ebay to fit into my reg console so I'm almost there.
Good Luck with it.
Oh I just bought a used Genesis Computer on Ebay to fit into my reg console so I'm almost there.