I have several dacor regs that I use off and on including 960s. With the 960, there are a high number of soft parts i.e. o-rings and 1 diaphragm but it is apparent when there is a problem, If you see bubbles then it is time for service, if not there is usually no problem. My primary reg. is a 960 that I have used for 14 years [yeah you read that right] since I clean and lube it regularly I have never had to replace a part. I know that this is unusual but it shows how well built dacor regs were. I would not recommend disassembling this yourself without the right tools/training but anyone who calls themselves a "Tech" should be able to replace o-rings, and the diaphragm can be cross matched with U.S. divers parts. Your second stage is the same situation with standard o-rings but the low pressure seat assembly is one piece and could be hard to find; store it with the purge button depressed. Hope this helps