Damn forgot i was going to update on the state of the reef.
This is a DIs version not to be taken for publicity and stuff!!!
So just after the cyclone water vis was down a lot, coupled with very heavy rain for several days only now a month later has water turned from green back to blue. Although during that time we have had some wicked thermo/halo/pycno clines. Being able to duck between layers of water and see the horizontal layers of colour was amazing. Best was on a drift with an incoming current, swimming in blue water at 18m and see the wedge of green water above you getting closer and closer as you speed to the head of the incoming water!
Several shallow sites on the northern tips of the reefs were badly hit, many plate coral upturned and large area of staghorm flattened. The giant clams seem to have suffered more than most with many having died. Several anemones have either gone or have moved several meters.
But the majority of the sites are changed but still in very good shape. Although a keen eye or regular diver will notice a lot of change there is not many areas where you can really say "this is cyclone damage".
If you have been many sandy sites have been scoured to their rubble bottoms and many rubble bottoms have been smothered in sand. Most of our mooring blocks have sunk into the substrate as the sand and coral underneath was scoured and they settled deeper.
Since the cyclone through, one site in particular called Barracuda Bommie has been AWWEESSSOOMEEE, big balls of bait fish around every time, sharks, 7+ lionfish, was actually stakled by a grey whaler on my last dive. Not sure if its just the change in currents or whether they have all fled here from down south but we are really enjoying it.