As a relative newcomer to this board, myself, welcome. You will find a lot of good information in many of the posts here, and the discourse--in general--is reasoned and civil.
To me, the most important thing in a wetsuit is proper fit. If you are not comfortable in the suit, the dive can be ruined. Off-the-rack suits often don't mold themselves to your 'special' shape. It may fit well in one place, but not in another.
As to your custom wet suit query, the only Florida company I have personal experience with is Aquaflite in Lakeland (800/581-7916 - ask for Ed). I can recommend their product without reservation.
My wife and I recently purchased custom made 3 mm full wetsuits with sleeveless jackets, hoods, wrist and ankle zippers, the works. We even got the special super slick inside liner which certainly makes the suit easier to get into and out of when it's wet. The cost was modest, $345 per suit with unlimited modifications (gain weight/loose weight, etc.). Delivery was FedX to my door, no charge.
The bottom line is we are completely satisfied. We found 3mm to be just right for Caribbean diving, and the sleeveless jacket is sometimes used in the 68-72 degree springs here in North Florida. FWIW, I have no interest in Aquaflite other than being a very satisfied customer.
Good luck.