I was in cozumel a couple weeks ago, the temp was 79-81. I found that the temperature closely correlates to the NOAA yucatan basin weather bouy. (if you google it you can see that it now reads 80.6 degrees)
The NOAA Bouy is Station 42056. You can link to it here. NDBC - Station 42056 Recent Data
You can check it against this temperature, taken at Cozumel - Ocean Water Temperature today. Quintana Roo Mexico Sea Temperatures
Those sources are at least taken from calibrated thermometers. I checked my own computer against a known and accurate thermometer, and my dive computer reads 2 degrees low - when it tells me that it’s 78 degrees, it’s really 80 degrees. When you take reports from other divers based on computer readings, unless they have calibrated their computers, that reading might be off by 4 degrees either way. Of course, both the NOAA data and the data are taken from a depth of 1 meter, and the temp at 60’ or 90’ is likely to be as much as 2 or 3 degrees cooler.