Cuba help required please!

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London, Ontario, Canada
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi all,

Wondering if people could give me a bit of help re: Cuba.

I have been reading some of the threads here and there seems to be mixed reports. Some say the reefs and marine life are great, while others have been less impressed.

Basically, I will be in Cuba for 8-10 days, but I leave soon, i.e. next Wednesday. I will not be staying in a hotel with attached dive shop, or in fact any hotels at all but probably Casa de particulars. The areas that I will be visiting include Havana, Pinar del Rio / Vinales, Varadero, and possibly Trinidad.

Would like tips on which companies are good (and safe) and where is good to dive. Will be hiring BC & reg so a company that has OK gear would be nice.

Thanks in advance for the help. If there are any locations that I should make the effort to get to in place of/ or addition to feel free to tell me.


the western province of Cuba has just been hit by two hurricanes (typhoons to the Pacific-minded) within the last three weeks. Hurricanes Isidore and Lili took nearly identical tracks through the Pinar del Rio area. Heavy damage was reported in this area.

Both of these storms took similar tracks which also resulted in torrential rains in the mountainous regions of southeastern Cuba. Mudslides and further damage occurred there.

Being a Federal Agent I had to do a short stay at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba at the Naval Base. I was able to get in a few dives while there. The base had a privately owned LDS luckly and my buddy and I rented some equiptment. We did all our dives right from shore and there was some great coral formations and reef walls close by. Visiability was unlimited and it was fantastic. Coming from FL I was truly amazed. We were in 20-30 ft of water just about 150' off shore. On the Gulfcoast of FL you have to go out about 10 miles to get that.

Now like drew mentioned they have been hit quite hard with storms so this might have kicked up some bottom but by the time you get there it should be OK.:D
shaneeldeo once bubbled...
Hi all,

Wondering if people could give me a bit of help re: Cuba.

Basically, I will be in Cuba for 8-10 days, but I leave soon, i.e. next Wednesday. I will not be staying in a hotel with attached dive shop, or in fact any hotels at all but probably Casa de particulars. The areas that I will be visiting include Havana, Pinar del Rio / Vinales, Varadero, and possibly Trinidad.

Would like tips on which companies are good (and safe) and where is good to dive. Will be hiring BC & reg so a company that has OK gear would be nice.

Thanks in advance for the help. If there are any locations that I should make the effort to get to in place of/ or addition to feel free to tell me.



We'll only be going to Cuba this December and while we doubt that *anything* can match the the 19 days and 5390 km of your beautiful country that we experienced on lat year's Christmas vacation, we do look forward to what several friends and the canadian dive tour operator Voyages Auqanauts have told us is some of the finest diving in the world.

If you're a seasoned diver, then you may want to make the short (and releatively cheap) flight from Havana to the Isla de la Juventud (formerly the Isle of Pines), whose Hotel Colony, which apparently has its own dive centre and even hyperbaric chamber) is a top international dive destination. Reportedly, the diving is spectacular, but mostly fairly deep and a fair distance
(1 1/2 to 2 hours) out from shore. Also, the most recent reports that I've been able to get indicate that there are no Casas particulares allowed on the island, so the Colony, which has been recently been upgraded (the bungalows outside of the main structure are supposed to be nicest, and most insect proof), may be expensive).

Second choice, with still beautiful but shallower diving attraction is in Pinar del Rio *province*, much closer to shore (10 - 15 minute boat ride) is Maria La Gorda, about 140 km west and south of Pinar del Rio city. According all I've asked, including Aquanauts-- and to Lonely Planet, too--it offers "fantastic scuba diving". The fly in the ointment may again be accommodation, as the Maria la Gorda hotel was also recently renovated, and seems to be the only place to stay. According to lonely Planet, their Puertosol International Dive Centre (telephone 4-3121) sends out two dives a day. Cubatur in Pinar del Rio apparently sells combined accommodation and diving packages.

A third choice, and not too far from Trinidad, is Playa Giron (the historic Bay of Pigs), which is supposed to offer good diving right from shore.

As for Varadero, itself, the reports I've had are mixed. A friend who's gone to Cuba annually to dive knows of some excellent diving out of there, but most I've talked to say that at least the better known spots are mediocre, and the peninsula itself seems to have become one giant tourist resort.

So while we're perforce going tohgave to spend some time there, we'll be leaving for Havana, for Playa Giron, and if possible for Maria la Gorda per rental car ASAP.

BTW, advice or reactions to casas particulares will be greatly appreciated.
Our Email address is; please do get in touch!

erich keser
saskatoon, canada
Lonely Planet--and a dive instructor do warn that Vinales, while beautiful, may be over-hyped and not to miss the many other atractions, including the Cuhananacahibes Peninsula itself. (From the descriptions, it may even come close to your Kauri forest in beauty!).

erich Keser
saskatoon, sk
I dove in Cuba in July and thought it was wonderful. I was on the Oceanus liveaboard for a week and the diving was amazing in my opinion. I'd dive again there again anytime..!!
I mentioned this tour operator earlier and must add that, although they initially seemed to have some good advice, this has been followed by a rather poor experience with them. We hope that they will redeem themselves, but certainly have to warn people away from this operation based on our experiences so far, which have been so frutrating that we're considering forfeiting our deposit and giving up on the whole idea of going to Cuba...and perhaps of diving vacations.

this month's issue of PADI's mag Sport Diver has an article on Cuba. Haven't read it yet, just arrived.

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