CSSP World Tour

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DFW Texas
Several folks have asked about the course Janet (JAG) and I run at CCSP so here it is. Its 45-60 minutes long with no stops and covers most of the "attractions". Its almost all compass work.

Note that as we get to any particular destination, we realign ourselves next to that destination before we take off again. Visibility being what it is, you don't want to be 15 feet from a destination as you start off for the next one or you're likely to miss that next one.

At the "Grapevine Scuba" dock (the northern most wooden dock) swim out mid way to the opposite wall. Drop down to about 20 ft.

On a 220 heading, you'll hit a platform after a few minutes. That platform has a blue paint job as an underwater identifier.

Stay on 220 and in fairly rapid succession, you'll hit 3 more platforms. The last platform has 4 nickle sized holes drilled into the left vertical leg as you approach it. That's how we know we've hit the last platform and need to change course. Sometimes we loose count of how many platforms we've passed and the 4 holes are what we go looking for.

On a heading of 200, you'll next hit the boat in short order. If you're slightly off course to the right, you might see a stick in the mud that looks a bit like a street sign. The boat would be 20 feet to the left. Get to the front of the boat before you take off again.

On a heading of 200, you'll spend several minutes in open water getting to the next destination - Sisco the Shark. Normally we get there at the 19 minute mark. Because its quite a distance away, you may end up slightly to the left of Sisco and arrive at a large rock wall with a cave like depression that undercuts it. If that happens to you, Sisco's tail is to the right. Get to Sisco's nose before you take off again.

On a heading of 315, you'll be in open water for a while and then you'll hit a platfom about 30 seconds after you start to see the bottom again. Usually we are just slightly to the right of that platform as we come up on it so look to your left.

On a heading of 40, you'll run fairly shallow initially and after a few minutes arrive back at the boat. Typically we're a bit left of the boat where the "street sign" is. Get to the back end of the boat.

On a heading of 20 you'll hit platform 4 again - the one with the 4 holes.

On a heading of 40, you'll hit platforms 3, 2, and 1 (blue) again because you're now just running the recip course.

When you get to the "blue" platform, stay on your heading till you see the bottom start to disappear. At that point, drop your compass and just follow the contour at about 20-25 feet.

After several minutes, you'll spot a 2 inch diameter stick vertically in the mud at about 25 ft. The "Grapevine Scuba" dock is up slope.

We normally get to this point in 45 minutes.

If you miss that stick, you'll come across a 4 inch tree branch stuck vertically in the mud a bit further on down, again at about 25 ft.

If you keep following the contour, you'll eventually hit the 2 northern most platforms that are next to each other. A heading of 60 from the eastern most platform will bring you to the coffin at 45 very cold ft.

From the coffin head east to the wall opposite the "Grapevine Scuba" dock.

Follow that wall southerly looking for two 1 inch pieces of PVC pipe at about 30 feet. One pipe is vertical in the mud and the other is horizontal in the wall. They are next to each other. At those pipes head 310 back to the 2 inch diameter stick and the "GrapevineScuba" dock.

Mission accomplished - tank pressure low, except if you're Tropicgal. I think she can run the course twice on a 63.
Bill, thanks for the tour map. I've enjoyed all of your guided tours. Everybody will have fun following your directions.

I know you're not online this weekend because you and Janet are out at CSSP doing your AOW dives. You're probably leading the instructor on the CSSP world tour. You should get extra points for that! Wish I was there today too cheering you on but you know I had to work. Bill is there and I know he's being supportive but probably giving Janet a hard time about the night dive last night. But those of us that dive with you both know that you are very skilled divers now and that you'll have no problems at all so we will be celebrating your AOW certs at CCV in exactly one week! Then you'll probably be posting the Coco View world tour guide upon our return home.

Congrats to both of you...after being OW certified last year at this time...it is so exciting to know that you will be making your 100th dive at CCV ! Hey Swampers....isn't that quite an accomplishment?
TropiGal once bubbled...
...it is so exciting to know that you will be making your 100th dive at CCV ! Hey Swampers....isn't that quite an accomplishment?

You betcha! There's no better place to get those centennial dives. I've gotten my 200, 300, and 500 there at CCV. I know I'm early but....

Congratulations on your 100th
Thanks TropicGal & Dee:

Janet & I just got back from CSSP. She downloaded our dives into her PC and it registered that we've done 99 dives to date.

The 100th will be @ Coco View by pure chance.

BTW - Chris showed us the Aligator, but he said it was luck finding it in about 2 minutes so we still don't know exactly where it is. When we get back we intend to use our newly acquired search skills to run a pattern for it. Its at 38 feet.

TropicGal - See you & Bill at the Airport.

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