it was a beautiful day at picturesque Clear Springs Scuba Park. The brace of divers included Ryanh1985 and myself with surface support and drysuit consulting provided by Texdiveguy. All I can say is the Amish better look out or Tex will make off with all their clientele.
The main purpose for my diving was as a shakedown cruise for the new Pinnacle Evolution 2 drysuit. Alan was on hand with donning assistance and technique suggestions. He said his shoulder hurt but I'm thinking he was being a gentleman and not showing me up with his madd skilz.
Dive 1
Ryan and I head out from the pavillion by the fill station. I dump my BC and duck and kick for the bottom. My fins stick out of the water. I'm going nowhere fast.
Somehow I make my way down to 15' and my suit compresses enough to stay there. I know I'm light but I might as well make the best of it, right? 18 minutes into the dive, I'm at 2000 psi and slowly start drifting up. I dump all the air I can but to no avail. Dive 1 is over with a 75 yard surface swim ahead. We make it back and enjoy a nice surface interval before gearing up for Dive 2. I add 6 lbs.
We drop down along the west shore hydrilla. Weighting feels good. All systems are go. I get a tap on my shoulder. Ryan is having problems with his tank. I check it and it looks secure so we proceed. We make it to turn pressure and head back. In the mean time I have been tapping my suit inflator occasionally and dumping BC air to stay neutral just to get use to the new setup. Once again I get too light and cork. Again I arranged for a nice surface swim for us. This time around 100 yards. BTW, I didn't charge Ryan any extra for the free workout because that's just the kind of guy I am.
Two short but successful dives and so much better than the pool work I did on Wednesday. Afterward, Grumpymedic stopped by and introduced himself and his friend Aaron. He had been out working on his new drysuit technique as well.
Good dives and good conversation. ZzzKing out.
The main purpose for my diving was as a shakedown cruise for the new Pinnacle Evolution 2 drysuit. Alan was on hand with donning assistance and technique suggestions. He said his shoulder hurt but I'm thinking he was being a gentleman and not showing me up with his madd skilz.
Dive 1
Ryan and I head out from the pavillion by the fill station. I dump my BC and duck and kick for the bottom. My fins stick out of the water. I'm going nowhere fast.

We drop down along the west shore hydrilla. Weighting feels good. All systems are go. I get a tap on my shoulder. Ryan is having problems with his tank. I check it and it looks secure so we proceed. We make it to turn pressure and head back. In the mean time I have been tapping my suit inflator occasionally and dumping BC air to stay neutral just to get use to the new setup. Once again I get too light and cork. Again I arranged for a nice surface swim for us. This time around 100 yards. BTW, I didn't charge Ryan any extra for the free workout because that's just the kind of guy I am.

Two short but successful dives and so much better than the pool work I did on Wednesday. Afterward, Grumpymedic stopped by and introduced himself and his friend Aaron. He had been out working on his new drysuit technique as well.
Good dives and good conversation. ZzzKing out.