CSSP Friday 7/30

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Although TwoBit did do the rain dance, and muck things up, we had another fantastic time out at CSSP today! ScubaJana, Texass, Moostang, Frankdr, TwoBit, Foo, Mr. Foo and BabyFoo all met today for some swampdivin'. Interesting times, vis was indeed poor but still definately worth showing up for. I'd show up just for the company, anyway, if this crew is there! Frank brought his Flower Gardens pics, very nice. The thrill of the day was when Moostang and BabyFoo got us all by doing a surprise "fly by" over our heads and into the wild blue (well maybe green) yonder. There's talk of another git-together next Friday, already. Try to join us if you can!

Although TwoBit did do the rain dance, and muck things up, we had another fantastic time out at CSSP today! ScubaJana, Texass, Moostang, Frankdr, TwoBit, Foo, Mr. Foo and BabyFoo all met today for some swampdivin'. Interesting times, vis was indeed poor but still definately worth showing up for. I'd show up just for the company, anyway, if this crew is there! Frank brought his Flower Gardens pics, very nice. The thrill of the day was when Moostang and BabyFoo got us all by doing a surprise "fly by" over our heads and into the wild blue (well maybe green) yonder. There's talk of another git-together next Friday, already. Try to join us if you can!


Foo, I love diving with yall and had alot of fun. But I have a Complaint that i just have to mention. May seem trivial to most of yall but I still want to share it.

Inbetween our 2nd and 3rd dives, during our surface interval. BabyFoo (aka Squirt) and I didnt take off our wetsuits inbetween dives. You know how much of a hassle they can be sometimes. Well, we started getting hot about 30 mins out of the water and decided to hop in the water to cool off and chill out for a bit. We were just floating there chatting, minding our own business, making no rukuss. All was well until a Guy came up and told us NO SWIMMING. Not sure who this guy was, was an older gent. with a hat and shades. I believe he was the owner perhaps.

Now, I could understand no swimming if we were not paying divers cooling off inbetween dives, but someone please tell me the reasoning behind what happened with us?

Isn't diving a form of advanced swimming? And according to the website, CSSP allows snorkling which IS swimming?? I'm confused here.

Someone, please enlighten me on the unreasonable NO SWIMMING rules for divers?!?
I don't know how CSSP defines swimmers but here it usually means people who want to play in the water with their air matresses and various designed floaty things, which they have a habit of leaving on the dock for divers to trip over. along with their folding chairs, ice coolers, cell phones and radios. We try to explain to them that those items can get knocked into the water. They usually do. :eyebrow: They, and their multiple numbers of kids, will take ownership of the docks making entry and exits very tricky for divers. Not to mention they don't bother to look for divers when they are jumping into the water. These people also take up alot of space around the picnic tables, leaving their trash behind for divers to clean up. Some are drinkers, some aren't.

Be VERY thankful that CSSP doesn't allow swimmers. The owner of Twin Lakes has allowed them from the beginning and they are beginning to cause problems. Can you tell I'm fed up with them? :11: It's not just me, divers are going elsewhere and some of the shops have stopped going there for classes. It's really sad. He's worked hard to get the park where it is but he's got a blind spot about this. He thinks that $5 per swimmer is worth losing $12 per diver. Who knows.....

I can understand that. But we were not and are not a common swimmer. We do not have air matresses, we did not leave anything on the dock for anyone to trip over. We were hot, we wanted to cool off, no showers around to do it...so we hopped in and started chatting for our SI. We really werent even swimming...i was sitting on the dock in the water and Babyfoo was mostly floating on her back motionless talking.

Sorry, it was very trivial to make us exit the water when we werent doing anything wrong. I just dont think he shoulda been so anal about paying divers being in the water without our gear.

That was Robert, the owner of the park. Ok, I was a little suprised that he chased yall out, but then again, its his park, his rules. I do believe, he does have a designated swimming area.

I am beginning to discover Scuba park owners can be an interesting crowd. Calvin at Athens, Robert at CSSP, and the guy at the old Lake Travis spot that isn't there any more. I never met him, but I have heard all sorts of stories.

[<SNIP> All was well until a Guy came up and told us NO SWIMMING. <SNIP>

Yep, that's the rule . No Swimming. You must be in a wetsuit, mask, snorkel and fins to be more exact if you are going to be in the water. I was told it is due to insurance liability. Unfortunately even though you were not causing a problem if it's the rule for one person then it has to be for all no matter the situation.
[<SNIP> All was well until a Guy came up and told us NO SWIMMING. <SNIP>

Yep, that's the rule . No Swimming. You must be in a wetsuit, mask, snorkel and fins to be more exact if you are going to be in the water. I was told it is due to insurance liability. Unfortunately even though you were not causing a problem if it's the rule for one person then it has to be for all no matter the situation.

Oh well, guess people are always going to be pricks occationally. Just sad to know we cant cool off inbetween dives.

Such is life.
On a happier note it was great to meet ya. Too bad about the vis, but 4" of rain will do that. The dives were still fun.

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