CSSP Feb 21 or 22

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North Texas
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My wife and daughter are deserting me to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I get to stay here and go to class and work on the house. I figured I would take a few hours out of the drudgery and lonliness and go to CSSP for some diving.

Anyone else want to go?

Anyone else want to go?


Sorry Two Bit we are going the 28th and 29th. I don't want to kill my enthusiam for the next weekend by going out to soon!

Have fun!
I'm going to try to show up that weekend too, or at least the 29th.

There are a few variables I will need to contend with. I am, as ususal, just trying to spend more time in my dry suit. The only way I can get better is to spend time diving it.

I'm working the Stars game on the 22nd, so I guess I'm out... :disappoin

However....if both the air and water temps were to climb about 30 degrees....LOL :biggrin2:
I just got a new (to me) Andy's Drysuit that I'm dying to try. I even got some fins that fit. I'm still searching for woolies, but I've got a ski suit that I hope will work in the meantime.
I am still planning on going out. I may go both days.

Texass you still in since you dove last weekend?

I've definitely got to work on my technique!

The shell suit is a lot different than my 7mm neoprene drysuit. I added an extra 4 lbs. over what I've been using with it and managed to sink just below nose level. Another 6 lbs and I was able to dive for the bottom, not sink.

I'm hoping it's due to using a ski suit as thermal protection. I don't think they'll arrive in time for this weekend, but I won a pair of Polar Bear woolies on Ebay that should be on the way soon.
It was fun getting back in the water with Tom & meeting Jerry (I'm sure there's a joke in there).

We had 3 different temp readings. Mine was still @ 46 during the 1st dive, Tom was claiming 52, I think and Jerry was somewhere in between. My downloaded temp jumped to 50 when I started filling out my log - go figure.

The vis still aint, but I did actually see one of the turtles, a few bass and an albino cat.

Hey B&Dee, everyone LOVES the tank rack!!!

(pics) Jerry @ the rack; Tom B4 the Plunge; Today's Vis; Albino Cat 1&2
The first dive my temp was reading 52 the second I was getting 46.

The differences was that the first dive was on a South bank and the second was along a North bank.

Des you upped me again. I am still yet to see a turtle. I was excited to see the albino cat. I saw a nice bass and plenty of fry.

I had two nice 30 min dives.


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