Just looking for some opinions regarding where underwater strobe technology is (should be?) heading.
Couple o questions:
- Are wired sync cords finally obsolete?
- is there a different answer for the consumer, prosumer & professional?
I am mostly interested in the "prosumer" arena which (I claim) can involve high end P&S or low end DSLR technology. I am in the high end P&S camp. But welcome all discussions & opinions. Even if they are wrong.
For background info I shot video for many years with Sony / Amphibico rigs before I graduated to the much harder school of stills using a S&S DX1G P&S with a pair of YS110 strobes. Works well most of the time, takes really great macro, but the strobes optical triggering sucks sometimes. Really sucks. Sucks so much that I have converted a housing to wired sync. I claim this setup was bleeding edge technology (think YS100alpha) when it came out & hence my experience & practical knowledge does not reflect current technology. So I may be compensating.
So far on my scuba travels I have only encountered the "consumers" & the "professionals". No one in my camp. Either small P&S setups or $20K DSLR rigs bigger than my head. Very few of the happy snap people had strobes (optical strobes by definition) and the DSLR folks were fully wired.
Please drag out yer crystal ball and give it a good rub...
Couple o questions:
- Are wired sync cords finally obsolete?
- is there a different answer for the consumer, prosumer & professional?
I am mostly interested in the "prosumer" arena which (I claim) can involve high end P&S or low end DSLR technology. I am in the high end P&S camp. But welcome all discussions & opinions. Even if they are wrong.
For background info I shot video for many years with Sony / Amphibico rigs before I graduated to the much harder school of stills using a S&S DX1G P&S with a pair of YS110 strobes. Works well most of the time, takes really great macro, but the strobes optical triggering sucks sometimes. Really sucks. Sucks so much that I have converted a housing to wired sync. I claim this setup was bleeding edge technology (think YS100alpha) when it came out & hence my experience & practical knowledge does not reflect current technology. So I may be compensating.
So far on my scuba travels I have only encountered the "consumers" & the "professionals". No one in my camp. Either small P&S setups or $20K DSLR rigs bigger than my head. Very few of the happy snap people had strobes (optical strobes by definition) and the DSLR folks were fully wired.
Please drag out yer crystal ball and give it a good rub...