Cruel Nature and the Circle of Life....

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The waiter at the Kona Brewery told me yesterday that the Sea Turtles ate my baby ducks.

They were not at the slip and the mother was nuts...swimming around all hysterical.:(

Do turtles really eat baby ducks? this really sucks


Then he proceeded to get graphic, I had to ask him to stop. You should see the mother ducks face...she looks terrible, just swims in circles bleating and quacking.
I used to watch baby ducks get eaten by Bass in my pond growing up. Turtles? id suspect baracuda or something but not turtles. I think someone was screwing with you. Can one of our turtle experts chime in on this?
We caught a 3 foot baracuda today at "work" if revenge makes you feel any better.
barracudas...hmmm yea.

I have seen those at the slip too, the big grey ones.

fast, lethal. I feel better. The thought of a turtle chomping away on them was just too terrible.

I have not seen Turtles there. He says they come out a night.
He screwing with you. Hope you didnt tip him....
No...we were cleaning the boat. HEY! We have a stylin new slip! Bigger and mo bettah, right smack in front of the Kona Brewery, which is fun.

We got our new sticker and I hear there is a new operator in Hawaii Kai. Anybody like to guess?

He has a pretty nice boat....
SInce no one else has chimed in, I looked.
Green sea turtles, Chelonia mydas, get their name from the color of their body fat, which is green from the algae or limu they eat. Adult green sea turtles are herbivores, meaning that they eat only plants, and therefore do not pose a threat to any other marine animals. Similar to cows, green sea turtles depend on bacteria in their guts for digestion of plant material.
I was pretty sure but wanted to look. I think Id have the guy fired.
thanks, I feel better.

maybe a pet shop took them.
Sorry to hear about your ducks honey. How are you? We are off to Hong Kong this morning but PM me your phone # again and I'll call you next week. Say hi to JB!

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