World Wide Diver
Yes they can release stress hormones while immobolised by rocks. However, we do the same thing sometimes as we cannot bear to see them eat corals on reefs which we regularly dive.
Best thing to do is to inject them with sodium bisulfate. Next best thing is removing them.
Cot guns and chemicals are expensive here for us and 1000x more so for locals. In addition, local people are unaware of implications from cot outbreaks and ignorant of methods of control. And, there are no funded programs like in Australia.
The Department for the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Bureau for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) do not fund any programs here in Mindanao (peanut cash) for this.
Shame is that it would not cost much to implement effective cot control programs here.
Until this happens, then local inititives like the one funded from John's own pocket are the best there are at the moment.
Best thing to do is to inject them with sodium bisulfate. Next best thing is removing them.
Cot guns and chemicals are expensive here for us and 1000x more so for locals. In addition, local people are unaware of implications from cot outbreaks and ignorant of methods of control. And, there are no funded programs like in Australia.
The Department for the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Bureau for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) do not fund any programs here in Mindanao (peanut cash) for this.
Shame is that it would not cost much to implement effective cot control programs here.
Until this happens, then local inititives like the one funded from John's own pocket are the best there are at the moment.