Cressi-what are your thoughts

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edmonton alberta canada
Well, I am pretty new to diving and have mostly been renting my gear, but I am now considering buying my own equiptment. I am going to bite the bullet and get good stuff right off the bat. What are your thgouhts on CRESSI? How does it compare to other brands. What would be your suggested brand and why? There is not alot of variety where I live for SCUBA sotres, seeing as I live on the prairies, so I am most likely going to have to buy off the internet. Any help you can give me would be great!
I find that certain companies make decent gear across the gamut of gear, but certain companies just excel at making certain things. I have wanted to try one of the TUSA masks but no one around me carries them. So I bought a Cressi Big Eyes mask today and just got back from a pool try-out. It worked well, and I am glad I bought it.

The difficulty you will have is for items that require fitting. Like the mask, wet or dry suit, fins, etc. Outside of that, there are any number of manufacturers that make quality gear.

A quick search here will yield many opinions on nearly any piece of gear you could imagine. When I started shopping for gear, I used this site, and listened to the advice of long time divers who were doing the kind of diving I was interested in doing.

Good luck to you.
I just picked up a new Cressi low volume mask. It's the only cressi gear i own so my thoughts beyond that won't help. I agree with PerroneFord, look for gear that fits the kind of diving you are or will be doing. Try to buy gear that will grow with you as your diving evolves.
This is a great link for decent gear reviews:Scuba Diving Magazine Kinda the Consumer Reports for the dive industry

Ah yes. Scuba Diving Magazine. Page 50, an item is 'Testers Choice'. (and so are all the other products they tried for that article....). Page 51, said item is strapped to a bikini-clad model for a full-page ad.

Hmm. *thinks*
I'm a very new diver. My BC and fins are Cressi, my gloves Akona, and my reg and wetsuit are Sea Elite. I've been happy with all of my gear, and an instructor that I occasionally dive with, has the same BC that I do. I have no interest in anything but recreational diving. For whatever it's worth...
Ah yes. Scuba Diving Magazine. Page 50, an item is 'Testers Choice'. (and so are all the other products they tried for that article....). Page 51, said item is strapped to a bikini-clad model for a full-page ad.

Hmm. *thinks*


You've got this one wrong buddy... keep studying!

Start here

Cressi-sub makes some great gear. I'd kill to rep their rubber goods line.

Zeagle Rep.
I have seen a couple of Cressi BC's and they are alright. Not the best I have seen but far from junk.

Since you asked what gear I would suggest I will tell you what I dive. Zeagle BC and regs, Cressi matrix mask (love it) Oceanic Vector fins.
One reason that I bought the Zeagle BC is because the flexability that it has. If you change (physically) it can change with you. Also you can buy replacement pieces instead of a whole new BC.
Just my $0.02
I have a Cressi Matrix Mask. It is awesome. I also have Cressi Rondine fins and I like them alot. You need to have strong legs to use them however because they are big. I like my Cressi purchases!!!
I have a Cressi mask, snorkel, fins, and regulators. I've been extremely happy with all of it.

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