Creation vs. Evolution

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Doesn't AIDS pretty conclusively prove evolution? The virus hopped from SIV in monkeys to HIV probably around the 1950s and then spread all over the world (and it mutates incredibly rapidly even within the host carrier). The flu pandemic of 1918 (and technically all flu pandemics) are also caused by mutation and natural selection -- in that case where I believe it hopped from swine to humans. There's an entire field of viral genetics which has considerable explanatory power of mutation and natural selection both within a host and logitudinally over time. And I'm pretty sure that when it comes to assessing the probability and likelihood of H5N1 or other possibly pandemic viruses hopping species to humans that I'm betting on Evolution to eventually come up with answers, I'm certain that Creationism doesn't predict much (other than being "useful" after-the-fact to place blame on gays and democrats for causing God to smite us).

And it's still an HIV virus, is it not? Evolutionists leap to conclusions in their belief (not observation) that small steps within a genus/species yield great leaps into other lifeforms. And that is the essence of evolution; dinosaurs became birds, cows became whales, etc.
And it's still an HIV virus, is it not?

Its HIV. It appeared about 1950. It is no longer SIV.

Evolutionists leap to conclusions in their belief (not observation) that small steps within a genus/species yield great leaps into other lifeforms. And that is the essence of evolution; dinosaurs became birds, cows became whales, etc.

HIV has had 50 years to evolve from SIV. birds have had a million times longer to evolve from dinosaurs. That is six orders of magnitude more time (and six orders of magnitude more time than you'll ever live and experience). We can see speciation between HIV and SIV because of how rapidly HIV/SIV mutate and how much faster the genetic clock is running in viral organisms...
I'm going to say this one last time knowing full well it's going to fall on deaf ears, but one more time just for the heck of it....

There are no modern species that "mutated" into other modern species. All modern species can trace back to a common ancestor in the primordial goop. Since that moment speciation took over and plants split from animals and viruses, and within each of the major kingdoms speciation started to occur.


Do you get it yet?

I've decided that gravity is only a theory and I've stopped believing in it. It's amazing how much easier it is to organize all my stuff since I can suspend it all in mid-air now.

I highly recommend coming over to my side.


I believe in God, but I also believe that religion is the most dangerous force on the planet... and that includes fundamentalist Christianity (lest anyone think their religion is exempt). Anyone who believes that they are absolutely right 100% on everything from medical science to Middle East politics, who is also involved in governing a superpower is a major threat to society and the planet.
I'm going to say this one last time knowing full well it's going to fall on deaf ears, but one more time just for the heck of it....

There are no modern species that "mutated" into other modern species. All modern species can trace back to a common ancestor in the primordial goop. Since that moment speciation took over and plants split from animals and viruses, and within each of the major kingdoms speciation started to occur.


Do you get it yet?


Losing your cool, aren't you?

Your ancestors might be monkey's uncles, or goop, but mine are not.

Of course you did not see any of this alleged evolution occur but you believe it did based on current speciation. The common ancestor split into two, then four, then 8 then ... Is that how it allegedly worked? It's amazing that lifeforms that used sexual reproduction had a mate ready at the same time. But, I guess it must have, eh?

When did evolutionists change their minds about birds 'evolving' from dinosaurs, and whales 'evolving' from a terrestrial mammal that spent too much time in or near the water?

Is mankind "evolving" into ??? Or will the 'evolving' xIV cause the demise of our genus/species? If so, good for the planet, say I.

Don't keep me in suspense.
I believe in God, but I also believe that religion is the most dangerous force on the planet... and that includes fundamentalist Christianity (lest anyone think their religion is exempt). Anyone who believes that they are absolutely right 100% on everything from medical science to Middle East politics, who is also involved in governing a superpower is a major threat to society and the planet.

What do you believe about God?

What if "they" are involved in governing a third-world banana republic that has its hands on western
technology and thinks "We have heavy water. We are strong." (I'm having a ST TNG moment)
Is that chucklehead a threat?

Wouldn't God step in and prevent us from destroying ourselves and the planet?
What do you believe about God?

What if "they" are involved in governing a third-world banana republic that has its hands on western
technology and thinks "We have heavy water. We are strong." (I'm having a ST TNG moment)
Is that chucklehead a threat?

Wouldn't God step in and prevent us from destroying ourselves and the planet?

I think the worse scenario is if they are involved in a "first world banana republic," which has the biggest arsenal on the planet. The WMDs are right under our noses, and we supplied them to Iraq in the first place, then went on a phony hunt for them after persistent investigations accounted for them as being destroyed. The biggest threat is our own King George by alienating us to the rest of the world, involving us in an immoral, unethical, and illegal war, and neglecting our so-called homeland security by not providing the funds for REAL port and airport security.

BTW, my perspective on God is not up for debate, so I will not elaborate on that. But no, I don't think God would prevent our demise. I wouldn't mind being wrong on that account, however.

But when the "rapture" comes, I hope I can find a Prius on the highway, because I really like them.
Excellent Summation! Thanks for the link AlexMDiver!

This thread was starting to degenerate (de-evolve?) into the usual esoteric dry lectures from the Evolutionary Biologist types; the Bible-Thumping Pronouncements of the Fundamentalists; the depressive Nihilism of the Atheists & Religion Nay-sayers; and the Pop-Culture Pollyanna’s such as myself.

Now let’s get on to more useful topics like why you’re gonna go to Scuba Hell if you don’t dive DIR. . .:D

:D Of course you will go to Scuba Hell if you don't dive DIR. But now the real question is whether DIR was CREATED or whether it EVOLVED!!!??? :11:

It is perhaps another example of evolution in short bursts with times of general stability in the system. Just wondering when the next burst might be.

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