Creation vs. Evolution

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I did read it and didnt' agree with it.

So you didn't like the definition scientists gave to a scientific term, so you choose to re-write it? I wasn't aware that we could re-define the entirety of the English language for our own purposes...

None-the-less, evolution, micro/macroevoltuion, etc, are scientifically defined terms, which means that your re-writing of those terms is meaningless.

The only "evolution" we witness today is through breeding. Environmental conditions that favor certain the moths in Europe and the Galapagos Finches were a process of natural selection within the species. There's nothing controversial about those items. The minute you have a jump from one species to another, you have no reference in nature nor the fossil record. You either have one or the other with no transitional forms.

In this you are 100% wrong, as pointed out before. We have observed and recorded the formation of new species over 2000 times in the scientific literature. We've seen speciation in every major grouping of organisms - viruses, bacteria, archea, fungi, plants, animals, even mammals.

It is also arguable that we've seen the formation of a new genus (in viruses and perhaps in bacteria), although since genus is a human invention, and not everyone agrees on what it means, that's up in the air.

Those speciation events have been observed both in the lab, and in nature. In the case of many of the lab examples, we have all of the transitional forms.

In terms of the fossil record, there are many lines of organisms in which complete series of transitional forms between one species and the next are to be found.

Also, your expectation that we should see more transitional forms then we do is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how life evolves. Species tend to be constantly changing, meaning if you dig up fossils of the same species, but from say a million years difference in time, it can be hard to tell if you're looking at one species, or two (due to the difference). The paleontological standard is to assume that they are both the same species. Ergo, when you look at samples from within the same "species", arrayed by date, you seen more of the transitional forms.

I evolved and clarified the first post in a later post.

And, as I pointed out, you are still wrong.

Your positions are sometimes divergent. First you say evolution is about small changes over millions of years. Obviously, there have been large scale changes/mutations at some point because you can't get there with small changes.

Sure you can. Lots of small changes lead upto huge differences - look at continental drift.

Oh sorry, that all happened over 6,000 years, so it was BIG change :shakehead:

Which brings me to my original point that large mutations witnessed in nature are always detrimental to the animal.

Firstly, you are wrong. "Ginormous" mutations are seen and are beneficial in some types of organisms - one needs look no farther then how speciation occurs in some plants to see that. Likewise, HIV re-writes upto 30% of it genome while evolving in a host - the end result - a fitter, faster replicating and more infective virus. But then again, thats large changes via lots of small steps...

Secondly, as pointed out previously, huge mutations are not needed for evolution to progress. Take humans and chimps - different species, big changes. And yet all that is the product of a small number of point mutations, and a few chromosomal rearrangements. Both very common (4/person/generation for points, about 1/100,000 people/generation for rearrangements).

Science has yet to provide an example of a large change that didn't come through breeding in a mammal that was beneficial to the animal.

As pointed out numerous times to you, large changes occur over small steps, and that is exactly what we see. And don't forget - rapid change, like that you keep claiming we need to see for evolution to be true - is not expected by evolution. In fact, evolutionary theory pretty clearly states that rapid change (i.e. huge leaps in a single generation) are impossible.

What you are asking for, in essence, is proof that creationism is correct. Only by providing evidence for creationism, will you accept evolution.

But I'm sure you don't see the problem with that.

Denying it doesn't make it false. In the short time I've walked this Earth I've yet to see a single report on an animal that was the benefactor of a major mutation.

In my time on earth I've never seen an atom. By your logic, they therefore cannot exist.

The argument you're using is a common form of logical fallacy, technically called an "argument from incredulity", and has been known since plato's time to be a false form of argument. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean that it does not exist.

And, as pointed out to you 10,000 times in this thread, such mutations would be one form of disproof of evolutionary theory. Maybe you should learn what the theory actually says before you criticize it.

Let's just define large mutation as on scale with the inversion of a marsupial's pouch and that should give you a reference.

And, as I pointed out all three times I gave the example, that would have occurred over multiple generations through numerous small changes. In fact, I distinctly remember pointing out that the only way it could occur simultaneously was if there was a morphogen for pouch that wasn't used elsewhere. Witch, if I remember what I wrote correctly, would be the least probable of the possible mechanisms I pointed two.

Let's start with humans. The fossil record has apes and has humans. Any theoretical missing link has serious question revolving around it.

Hardly. There is a long, and near-continuous sequence of fossils from the common ancestor between chimps and humans, and modern humans. Today, we have at least 15 transitional forms between the LCA and humans. Within most of those forms we have multiple skeletons, in some cases showing yet more intermediary forms.

As for "missing links", there are no longer any major ones. The LCA was identified a few years ago. Neanderthal DNA has been sequenced, allowing a genetic reconstruction of the latter portion of our evolution. In depth comparisons of the chimp and human genome have also helped clarify the fossils we've found - we now know that chimps and humans diverged and reunited a few times before speciation took hold, explaining a lot of the "issues" with timing that existed before.

Please humor me.

So let me get this straight - our self-proclaimed "expert" on why evolution is false is unaware of the single most complete line of fossils! Wow, and that data's only what - 50 years old?

Horses are among the most complete fossil records out there, with every step of their evolution recorded in the fossil record. Over two hundred distinct species, spread out among 32 genera, spread out over 55 millions years. Given the average time a single species lasts, the probability of us missing anything along the line is quite slow.

We have hundreds of examples of most of those genera, and dozens of many of the species. Within those species you see numerable transitional forms. In fact, MacFadden, one of the leading paleontology experts on horses once stated that there are so many transitional fossils among horses that his staff frequently argue over which species they belong to.

He's also written an excellent book (in the early 1990's, sorry forget the title), complete with pictures of many of the fossils.

So the wombat relative starts to dig and decides its upright pouch is not conducive for digging.

If you're going to reply to my messages, please read what I write first. The evolution of the pouch would have occurred long, long, long before we had wombats - it may even have preceded marsupials. Wombats simply inherited it from their ancestor. The pouch is at least 125 million years old.

And no, there is no decision. But as the pre-marsipuals evolved, those with a something looking more like a pouch would have given better protection to their young, and therefore given birth to more young, and therefore been selected for. This would have promoted the selection of mutation for better pouches. However, mutations that altered the pouch to be incompatible with the animals life style - digging, for example, would have been selected against.

Again, you still have the dilemma of a large scale mutation not caused through breeding.

The only dilemma is in your poor understanding of evolution. Evolution neither expects, nor requires, large "jumps" like you seem to think it does. In fact, evolution pretty much precludes that.

These supposed mutations, albeit rare, would have been witness in some form, in some species on this planet in the last 200 years.

And, in plants where such mutations are common, we see them all the time. In fact, the first scientific observation of speciation involved such a mutation, resulting in O gigas.

There are countless millions of species of insects, mammals and fish and we've yet to witness the miracle of Darwinian theory.

Actually, we see it each and every day. In my case, its actually a problem. I spend thousands of dollars creating bacteria with modified genes. And wouldn't you know - them little bastards constantly evolve away the changes I make. I've even seen it happen in mice - $50,000 nearly down the toilet (thank goodness for frozen embryos).

Not that "evolution is nothing novel," but rather in the case of the E. coli, evolution produced nothing novel.

Well, which is what we would expect isn't it? Life has been around billions of years and we don't expect E. Coli to jump to being amoebas in a lab or in real life at this point.

In the same way, we don't expect modern apes to make the jump to being human beings. Evolution says that we may share a common ancestor, but in fact the great apes are modern species derived from that common ancestor as well.

If suddenly E. Coli in a lab did more than what genetic drift, gene duplication, selection could explain, that would be evidence of creation would it not?
Genetic drift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See first sentence. Genetic drift allows already present genes to "be carried forward," or can cause other already present genes to "disappear." No new genes are added by natural selection and genetic drift alone.

Decomartiti never claimed otherwise. Mutation is but one part of the evolutionary process. Think of it as a sculpture - mutation provides the "clay", but the clay is moulded by drift and selection.

Mutations would be the way to produce new genes.


Except that those bacteria already had the ability to utilize citrate. Edit: they have the ability in low oxygen environments.

And if you look at my extensive reply to ce4jesus you'll see why the observed change is so profound. In order to get that degree of biochemical change some pretty profound things had to change - either the specificity of the enzyme, its mechanism of action, or the cells krebs cycle had to be re-wired. Each and every one of those represents the accumulation of at least two new functions in whatever genes were mutated.

Lenski, I think, believes a different transporter could have been co-opted to now transport citrate. Edit: to now transport citrate in higher oxygen level environments

That is one of several options he brought up. I mentioned two others previously.

That is loss of functional specificity.

Actually, we do not know that. It could be a loss of specificity (in which case the transporter would transport its old ligand, plus citrate), an alteration in specificity (it would no longer transport its old ligand), or it could be alteration of the Cit transporter itself (which would require that it utilize a different form of energy, or become a channel).

Your example is actually the least likely, as low-specificity transporters are usually selected against, as they tend to induce unregulated import. Keep in mind, the bacteria they evolved showed a huge increase in fitness; that is not consistent with the formation of an unregulated channel.

Granted, it might even produce a new species down the road, but it doesn't seem anything novel was produced; just that something lost specificity.

Pure supposition on your part. We won't know the actual answer to that until the genetic screen and biochemical characterization is complete. Regardless, by definition something novel was produced - the bacteria's mutations resulted in the formation of a new phenotype. Regardless of how that occurred, it is a novel (as in not previously observed) mutation(s) which was beneficial to the organism.

In the case of Jesus, you have to look at his purpose first.

The thing is, his purpose - as I was taught waaaaaay back in Catholic Sunday school is markedly different then the purpose you claim he was here for. Throughout his life he set down many rules about how we are to interact with other, and it was the way of life which he promoted that I was taught was his major lesson. It was through following those teachings that we would "save our souls" and all that.

There is no Earthly explanation and to invent one would almost be criminal.

Actually, there are very earthly reasons. Diseases organisms exist, and like the rest of life they have the evolutionary drive to survive. Children, unfortunately, make excellent hosts to disease, and are the least able to fight.

As for horrible things done by humans, the answer their lies in humanity. Some of us are s__tbags, plain and simple.

I think it is fair to ask not to defame or insult God. I am not asking any atheist to respect or praise God, but I'm sure if members insult or defame somebody or something that is dear to you, you won't stand for it! For me God is holy and sacred and I can't just stand by and say nothing if God is defamed or insulted. If I do it feels for me as if I'm supporting or sanctioning such acts.

I mean no offense; but to which God do you refer? There are many belief systems on this planet, all of which refer to their supreme being(s) as God(s)...
I think part of the "blasphemy" feeling may be when people refer to certain Christian stories as "myths" or "tales". The problem is (this may hurt some people's feelings), some literature in the Bible is just that.

Imagine if you will that you grew up in a house with limited outside contact. Imagine that you are taught by your father to believe in the Norse pantheon of Odin, Thor, etc. Now imagine that at some point you leave that house and socialize in the world. You meet Christians, Buddhists, Hinduists, and Islamists who have their own stories about how the world was created. Your father however had you study these tales as comparative mythology. You find yourself in conversation with a Christian and he tells you that your Norse stories are myths. You feel offended.

In the vernacular, the term "myth" means "lie". However, this is stretch from the actual meaning of myth.

Wikipedia actually has a nicely done page on creation myths from the world over:
Creation myth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are about 50 creation myths from different cultures listed. The idea that supernatural being(s) created the world is not unique to Judaism or Christianity.

Some people may be offended when others refer to much of the Torah as Hebrew mythology. However, this is very accurate and precise definition. To refer to it as a historical document is incorrect by any means of scholarship available. If people get offended when they are told this, it simply cannot be helped. If you were told from the day you were born that the sky is red, and someone tells you that all evidence shows the sky is blue, you will be offended at this affront to your beliefs.
I think it is fair to ask not to defame or insult God. I am not asking any atheist to respect or praise God, but I'm sure if members insult or defame somebody or something that is dear to you, you won't stand for it! For me God is holy and sacred and I can't just stand by and say nothing if God is defamed or insulted. If I do it feels for me as if I'm supporting or sanctioning such acts.

My grandchildren reacted similarly as they began to learn that santa clause was not real.
There was an earlier post related to suggestions of human sacrifice as an accepted practice in the early portions of the old testament. There is a pretty explicit statement about that much later. See Judges 11, where Jephthah sacrifices his daughter to God as a burnt offering. Some recent writers have attempted to contort the wording to suggest tht he did not actually kill his only daughter as a sacrifice, but instead dedicated her to God as a nun of sorts. However, thousands of years ago, commentators like Josephus and early Christian leaders clearly saw the passage as describing a true and literal human sacrifice.

I am surrpised Thal did not bring this up, since he has made several references to Hamlet, and that play alludes to that sacrifice as well.
I think it is fair to ask not to defame or insult God. I am not asking any atheist to respect or praise God, but I'm sure if members insult or defame somebody or something that is dear to you, you won't stand for it! For me God is holy and sacred and I can't just stand by and say nothing if God is defamed or insulted. If I do it feels for me as if I'm supporting or sanctioning such acts.
You and ce4jesus have constantly defamed biology, chemistry, physics, geology, paleontology, anthropology, genetics, evolution, empiricism, logic, rational thought, and for that matter all of science and even common sense (and by extension my very core concepts of truth, justice, honesty, etc.), and you think we should just bend over, take it, and at the same time show respect to your infatuation with intolerant bronze age mythology? Talk about a double standard. I say, have at it, and let the best ideas win.
I don't want to put any member or this thread on ignore. I enjoy this thread and I'm astonished at the knowledge of some members here, including you. But it doesn't mean I agree with all the views and certainly it doesn't mean I disrespect the views I'm not agreeing with.
You consistently show disrespect for views that you disagree with, even as you deny doing so.
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He's also written an excellent book (in the early 1990's, sorry forget the title), complete with pictures of many of the fossils. ...
MacFadden, Bruce J.; Fossil Horses: Systematics, Paleobiology and Evolution of the Family Equidae; Cambridge, pp 369.


I am surrpised Thal did not bring this up, since he has made several references to Hamlet, and that play alludes to that sacrifice as well.
I did but I quoted Bob Dylan instead:
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No." Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61."
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