The word "God" does not appear in the Old or New Testaments. Only in English translations. The deity of those books is referred to by personal names. I usually capitalize the term "God" when referring to Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah but I was raised as a fundamentalist and old habits die hard.
I am pretty sure that if that deity exists, he would prefer to be called his name and not a generic name for all deities. Indeed, if God were a pepsi, I don't think he would appreciate being called "Coke" (in the southern US, coke is vernacular for any carbonated cola beverage) just because you capitalize the "C".
If you read the Old Testament, he is a very jealous god.
God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some may find this interesting on the nameing of God.
Judaism 101: The Name of G-d
It also describes why Jehovah is wrong.