you're missing the point that these people are in an infinitesimal minority. there will always be a minority (in this case a tiny, tiny minority) in science that does not agree with the majority view
nevertheless, 99% of all working scientists accept evolution as a fact, given the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting it
at the same time, only ONE FACT needs to be brought out to debunk evolution once and for all, because it is a scientific theory, capable of being disproven (unlike creationism or intelligent design)
i repeat my earlier comment: find a mammal fossil in a Cambrian fossil bed, and evolution goes poof.
good luck. if you really understood the big picture, you would know how risible your position is. what's scary is that you are a science teacher, supposed to understand science and how science works. you seem to have no clue.
that is scary indeed.
now, i could certainly respect your view that God exists and that he works in mysterious ways, and perhaps he was the originator of life. what happened before the Big Bang? your guess is as good as mine, and I can't rule out the possibility (remote as it may be) that a supernatural being was involved.
but to oppose evolution? you show a complete lack of understanding of the last 150 years of scientific thought