Creation vs. Evolution

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It is quite possible that evolution still does not exist... except in the minds of scientists.

unfortunately for you, evolution is backed up by a lot of real-world evidence, including but not limited to the fossil record, DNA studies, genetics, biochemistry, and good old fashion reason and logic

just because you haven't done the legwork to inform yourself doesn't mean the evidence isn't out there

and i am sorry to inform you, it is
you're missing the point that these people are in an infinitesimal minority. there will always be a minority (in this case a tiny, tiny minority) in science that does not agree with the majority view

nevertheless, 99% of all working scientists accept evolution as a fact, given the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting it

at the same time, only ONE FACT needs to be brought out to debunk evolution once and for all, because it is a scientific theory, capable of being disproven (unlike creationism or intelligent design)

i repeat my earlier comment: find a mammal fossil in a Cambrian fossil bed, and evolution goes poof.

good luck. if you really understood the big picture, you would know how risible your position is. what's scary is that you are a science teacher, supposed to understand science and how science works. you seem to have no clue.

that is scary indeed.

now, i could certainly respect your view that God exists and that he works in mysterious ways, and perhaps he was the originator of life. what happened before the Big Bang? your guess is as good as mine, and I can't rule out the possibility (remote as it may be) that a supernatural being was involved.

but to oppose evolution? you show a complete lack of understanding of the last 150 years of scientific thought

I don't think I show a complete lack of understanding. And I do have a clue about science.

It is kind of funny, though, that because I have my doubts about "single-celled prokaryote to human evolution via natural selection acting on mutations over millions of years" that you think I "have no clue" about science. That's interesting.
It is kind of funny, though, that because I have my doubts about "single-celled prokaryote to human evolution via natural selection acting on mutations over millions of years" that you think I "have no clue" about science. That's interesting.

not at all ... i would certainly listen to a well-founded counter-theory to evolution that incorporates such doubts

you basically poo-poo evolution without seeming to understand it at all, or how the scientific method works, or why your question has been answered satisfactorily at least a million times before

do the work, man ... there's no excuse for intellectual laziness, especially for people who proclaim themselves "science teachers"

you want to believe God is behind it all? fine by me... i can't either prove or disprove that ... and for all i know, maybe God IS behind the evolutionary process

you want to believe evolution is not a real process? sorry ... anyone with a critical mind knows by now that evolution is as close to fact as any scientific theory can be
... do the work, man ... there's no excuse for intellectual laziness, especially for people who proclaim themselves "science teachers"
Hear! Hear!
unfortunately for you, evolution is backed up by a lot of real-world evidence, including but not limited to the fossil record, DNA studies, genetics, biochemistry, and good old fashion reason and logic

just because you haven't done the legwork to inform yourself doesn't mean the evidence isn't out there

It is easy to find evidence to support any conclusion... but that evidence may support other conclusions as well... or it may simply be insignificant evidenceor scientific physcobabble.

Science is not as definitive a program as you want to believe. There has been continual change in some scientific theories - once thought to be right. Simply finding one animal slightly different than another which lived prior to the other is not evidence one evolved from the other. They may have been in some way genetically related - such as humans. Do you really believe Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics etc all evolved from some ape form?

Not only is this unlikely, it is improbable. I don't care what "science" says because science can say anything it wants. So can I... and so can you... and in the final analysis... we may all be wrong.
A bigger question...

What does science say is the statisical probability that we are alone in the universe (as rational thinking beings)
There has been continual change in some scientific theories - once thought to be right.

exactly ... and evolution has stood the test

i am not saying that evolution may not be proven wrong (though the chances of that, given the overwhelming evidence, are infinitesimal)

i am saying that you don't seem to understand why and how evolution is such a viable scientific theory

listen, please do some real reading into evolution and think about it for yourself. don't let other people do the thinking for you

evolution and God are not incompatible. those who think they are basically try to nay-say overwhelming evidence that evolution is real and on-going. that garners no respect from me

as i keep saying, evolution and God are not incompatible. perhaps God set up evolution as a rather brilliant way to get things done. who am i to say?

but you are arguing against overwhelming evidence. sorry, that's like you arguing that the earth is flat and asking me to respect your view. no can do.

you ask me to respect your view that God exists and He created the universe and set things in motion? well, i may disagree, but i can respect that.

i hope you can see the difference
What does science say is the statisical probability that we are alone in the universe (as rational thinking beings)

there are almost certainly other intelligent life forms on other planets, given the unimaginable size of the universe

on the other hand, the chances of us ever meeting up with an extraterrestrial species are down right non-existant, for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being the enormous distances involved
there are almost certainly other intelligent life forms on other planets, given the unimaginable size of the universe

on the other hand, the chances of us ever meeting up with an extra terrestrial species are down right non-existant, for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being the enormous distances involved
Hey!!! Sometimes it's hard finding intelligent life on THIS planet! :rofl3:
not at all ... i would certainly listen to a well-founded counter-theory to evolution that incorporates such doubts

you basically poo-poo evolution without seeming to understand it at all, or how the scientific method works, or why your question has been answered satisfactorily at least a million times before

do the work, man ... there's no excuse for intellectual laziness, especially for people who proclaim themselves "science teachers"

you want to believe God is behind it all? fine by me... i can't either prove or disprove that ... and for all i know, maybe God IS behind the evolutionary process

you want to believe evolution is not a real process? sorry ... anyone with a critical mind knows by now that evolution is as close to fact as any scientific theory can be

So if I get this straight, the entirety of "single-celled prokaryote to human" evolution is this: gene duplication followed by mutation. Okay, I guess that answers it.
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