A good scientist would never make such extrapolation. But I guess that we would never confuse you with a good scientist anyway.
And this from someone who said:
Fine. But let's set up the ground rules. [...] Let's keep it civil.

Anyway, I think Warthaug sums it up quite well:
[...]And yet creationists don't hold the opposite to be true - they (you included, based on past posts) expect science to conform to the obviously limited and simplistic description provided in the bible. When it doesn't, instead of accepting those results at face value, you instead go off on rants about how science is attacking religion, etc, etc, etc. Likewise, rather than develop an alternate explanation, creationists use tactics like lawsuits and taking over school boards to try and force their beliefs into the science classroom; even though by your own admission science in accordance with creationism is an impossibility.