BS, we're sick and tired of quietly stating that 2+2=4 only to be told by people who can't add that it isn't. So we stop pulling our punches and call and idiot an idiot, as we likely should have done in the first place. We're also sick and tired of yielding to the religionists Political Correctness and pretending that all opinions start from an equal place and have equal weight. Stupid opinions that have no evidence for support except some book of fables (fill in your choice of fable) does not deserve equal standing with carefully collected and analyzed data. If I told you your wife was cheating on you would you ask for some supporting data? Would you insist on careful examination of that data before confronting her? You bet you would. But you want unsupported and unexamined fables to be taught to our children in the stead of solid science. Now which is arrogance and egotism?
See above.
I don't need a god. The fact is that abiogenesis is the only possibility that there is any evidence for. The evidence is not yet clear and perfect, but at this stage it's that, or the rantings of misogynistic pederasts who'd do best living in the bronze age, concerning the meaning of a several thousand year old set of fables that few if any of them have (or even can) read in the original.
Scientists do not pretend to "have all the answers" if we did, science would be over. But once we know that something is crap ... we do find it a waste of time to have to keep going back over, and over, and over, the same old ground.
So grow up. Just like 2+2=4, evolution is fact, abiogenesis of some form provided the origin of life, the world is spherical, the earth rotates around the sun and is not 6,000 years old, and there is no god.
Again, I challenge you to come up with just one definitive example of a controversy between a scientific conclusion and a religious illusion where the religious illusion turned out, in the end, to be closer to reality? Just one. You can't.