And before that you had Bohrs model. Here's what I don't like. Evolutionists are arrogant and egotistical in their belief. Its to the point that they make excuses, or spin, every inconsistency. Furthermore, they insult and belittle anyone that believes in a Biblical account of creation. As a matter of fact, Gould himelf went out of his way to thrash the Kansas Board of Education for allowing "intelligent design" in the Kansas School System. Why? According to what I read here, most of you leave room in abiogenesis for "God". If I walk into a church and find a pastor with "all the answers"...I never go back to that church. However, most evolutionists seem to revel in the belief that they have all the answers, or at least enough of them to conclude that any other belief is false.
*sigh* Well I don't blame evolutionists for being arrogant and egotistical in their belief, as well, they are COMPLETELY RIGHT to support evolution rather than creationism. Creationism, the kind that says the earth is 6000 years old and that there are no transitional fossils and so on, basically everything that has been disproven by science is
absolutely ridiculous so no wonder people make fun of certain kinds of Creationists. It is like how people make fun of the idea that in the past some people thought the world was flat, or the centre of the universe, or that the sun revolved around the Earth. If people said that now, they would be laughed at.
Of course, I personally see no incompatibility between the idea that God exists as well as evolution. I don't believe in God myself but I can see how Christians can have no problems with evolution and a God - the Catholic church, for example, supports the theory of evolution saying it is best left for scientists to work out. That is much more palatable as it does not involve rejecting reality and rationality. As if you think that you are not bringing religion into something that is clearly science based.
"Intelligent design" is in no way scientific and I can see why Gould would be so critical that stuff like that would be allowed into a science class. It is NOT scientific and has NO place in a science class, especially as it requires a religious belief, something that should not be forced on the entire of the population at the whims of a few. That is the answer to your question 'why?'.
Finally, I don't think I have all the answers regarding evolution, far from it. However, I have enough answers to know beyond all doubt that evolution happens. In time the theory will be more and more refined.