I appreciated your post a good deal. It wasd a good and well written "2 cents".
My 2,
My 2,
I would like to respond to the original thread of "Creation vs. Evolution".
I used to be a fundamentalist with strong Creationist ideas. However, I now have a Masters in Biology and through education and personal research and observation have come to strongly understanding that there is so much evidence pointing towards evolution. The evidence is so strong. As a Creationist one thing I was told was that Evolution can not be repeated and also that it is not happening right now. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Evolution is being repeated and happening even as I write this post. For example, take all the various kinds of cats and dogs we have. These different breeds were created (and are currently being created) through what is called "Artificial Selection" (produced by man). Well, if it is possible to produce this type of selection artificially why couldn't it happen naturally. There are many different aspects of evolution I could address but I would like to keep this short.
Another thing I want to mention is that people seem to have this misconception that if you want to believe in God you cant believe in evolution. I dont really understand this.
Why couldn't God have created animals in this manner.
The more I learn about science the more I am convinced that there must be a supernatural force that must govern everything, but I have also learned that I have had to make some compromises regarding my fundamentalist beliefs as I have found very clear evidence that was contrary to my former beliefs.
It is like during the Middle ages when people thought the earth was flat. Explorers would come back to Europe and tell people how they didn't fall over the side of the earth but instead found themselves in India. People started to realize their beliefs were wrong. Not that there was no God but just that the world was not flat.
Okthat's my two cents.