Helium first.
Whichever fraction I want in the mix, I whack in the empty tank.
Nx32 top-up.
If I don't have Nx32, I mix that directly on top of the He.
He first.
14% O2.
Air top.
Ultra easy.
If you´re filling the same gas on a partially filled tank, you're just filling to a lower pressure (the missing pressure in the tank/s).
But same approac
When I'm mixing down to a thicker mix at the end of a sortie, I usually just add Nx32 and disregard that I'm wasting some of the remaining He in my reserve from the previous dive.
The only time there's a bit of actual legwork involved, is when you want to go from one gas to a leaner one, without draining the tank. But even that isn't THAT hard at all. I like doing the calculations with pen and paper, but the mobile apps work a charm. Sometimes the target mix isn't possible but that's the name of the game.
Other than that, I just keep the speed down especially He and O2 (Nx32 and air fills can be done and re-done a hundred times till the tank is cold, but I can't yank helium back out of the mix).
Oh, and I'd advice to try not to blow up if boosting oxygen
Go slow, keep things clean and make sure the whip has the correct diametre spec'ed for the booster (once worked a booster where the whip had been changed to a slimmer diametre - boom and fire ensued).