I've only done the BA dives (but a lot) was there last week. We enter off the dock, short giant stride, and then back in through the little channel under the restaurant. We've either had no current or mild to strong from the south, so a 50 minute dive into the current, 15 minutes back. Just puttering along, lots to see, and I've seen almost everything there that I've seen on the reef, incl eagle rays (saw another last week), turtles, lots of eel, seahorse, southern stingrays (not in the pen), secretary blennies (check out the rope at the southwest corner of the stingray enclosure), lionfish, snake eels, mantis shrimp, yellow headed jawfish. Sharks, but only because there's three in the pen
It's a great nursery site, last week saw tiny juvie french angels and a juvie box fish (little black orb with yellow spots). Last week also saw tiny juvie squid, 4 of them right in front in 15 fsw, about the size of kidney beans but fully formed, splaying their tentacles at me and everything.
good rinse facilities. $5 a tank if you are staying there (and not diving with them, if you are it's free)