Cozumel November 2015 Trip report

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Trip report Cozumel Mexico November 1 – 11, 2015

We arrived in Cozumel via American Airlines via Dallas from Denver with no complications. The weather was good so no delays but we were a bit concerned about the remnants of a Pacific hurricane that passed over Mexico and were causing rains in Texas. We did notice standing water in Dallas that we attributed to the increased rains.
The flights with American Airlines were later in the day than usual going down and coming back so we ended up on a later Dallas to Denver flight and arrived at home at 1 am.

Cozumel was hotter than our previous November trips but we did miss the rains from the previous weeks. It was buggier and the mosquitos were out at dusk in force. We did have a few days of intermittent heavy rain which drove up the humidity.
The rains during our trip and those before we think caused visibility in the ocean to be significantly decreased. Essentially it was green water on some days and worse at some sites with haloclines from fresh water coming out of the exits in the formations. In addition, there were a lot of particles in the water which caused more backscatter from my camera strobes. The darker water and particles caused more of a challenge for photos.
Our usual November trips are drier and cooler.

We stayed at Sunscape/Secrets at the North end of the property. The resort had quite a few people but it was not bad. Everything there in my opinion was acceptable. My wife changed our room for one she thought was better in the first few days. All amenities were open and functioning and seemed properly staffed. We did run into some people passing through our resort that had booked with the Allegro and found when they arrived that it was closed – maintenance we assume. Pays to check.

We went into town for dinner twice but this trip we decided to save money by staying close to the resort, so no East side island trip or other trips to town. The Sargasso was apparently in abundance on the East side. We did have a taxi driver take us for $5 more for a taxi to town. One of the few times I forgot to ask the fare before getting in the taxi. All other taxis were the correct price. On a return from town, we negotiated a price for a taxi to wait for us at the grocery store – nice guy too. Half and Half is tough to find.

I dived 9 days straight on air and I was surprisingly not a tired as other trips. Other members of our group were diving Nitrox or a second dive Nitrox tank. Some were diving every day for two weeks. We dove with Raul and Bottom Time divers (Cozumel Scuba Diving | Go diving in Cozumel with BottomTimeDivers dive operator) who we went out with every day. We had a full boat almost the whole time with his other divers. He is making money while he can. Raul provided bottled water, snacks, camera bucket (crate), and had our gear setup for us each day. We had mostly experienced divers and those known to him the whole time so Raul had time to spot things underwater for us.
We got in only one night dive but it was worth it with many octopus. We did the top of San Francisco wall.
The currents all week were slow to non-existent. As said the visibility was reduced but we had days of good visibility especially the sites to the North. We did Punta Sur Sur hoping for sharks and Eagle Rays but say none. This is not Devils Throat. We had numerous haloclines on southern sites and the fresh water was cold. We dived Punta Tunich which we had not done in quite a few years. We spent quite a lot of time looking in sea grass for seahorses at some shallower sites but did not find any. I did see quite a few Mantis shrimp but did not get any photos as the retreated into their burrows so quickly I could not get a shot.
We dove Palancar Gardens one day where there were so many divers from other boats it was miserable. On a different day we did have a Reef shark at one of the Palancars which I got one bad photo.

We saw many Eagle rays but always singles. We noticed many more Porcupine fish and they stuck around much more than usual. We saw many Hawksbill turtles, Green Moray eels, Goldentail eels, toadfish, Balloonfish, adult Drums but few juveniles.

We noticed many of the tanks on the boat had bad o-rings which had to be replaced and many of the AL 80s air tanks had short fills.



The only shot I could get of the reef shark. I believe it is a grey reef not a black tip which we have been seeing in past years. The day before we dove, Raul our DM, said that he saw a Silky shark at a southern dive site.



















We had quite a few Eagle Rays come by and dig in the sand.

Very nice photos. Love the Splendid Toadfish. Out of curiosity, what depth were you at when you found the Goldentail Eel? In 25 years of diving Cozumel, I've only seen one once, and that was on a shallow shore dive. On deeper reefs, I've only seen Green and Spotted Morays.
We were finding Goldentail eels all over and generally see them most trips. Not sure why you haven't seen them. Not a slam on you - they are harder to spot than Greens and spotted eels. Come diving with us and we'll find them. We never find them in the daytime out of their holes and the one pictured here is a bit more out of his hole than usual. My notes say we found it on a dive where we split La Francesa and Dalila and I am guessing around 50-60 feet = avg depth for the dive.
I do remember years ago, when you only found the Green and Spoted Morays hiding in their holes, except on night dives. And Cedral was always prime hunting grounds for finding Morays. Then the Lionfish invasion began, DMs began killing Lionfish and feeding them to Morays, and now there are a LOT of Green and Spotted Morays that come right out when a dive group comes by - in the past couple of years, I've seen at least 8-10 free-swimming morays, a couple that swim from diver to diver, presumably checking to see if any of us heve a tasty lionfish to feed them.
Thnx for sharing.
"We noticed many of the tanks on the boat had bad o-rings which had to be replaced and many of the AL 80s air tanks had short fills."

What do you think is going on here ? More reports like this has me checking out those few ops that do their own fills, and not relying on the main central (short)fill station.
Aldora uses steel hp 120's. Insanely long dives. Hour and a half surface intervals at a beach club. Nitrogen naps were necessary, I'll do Nitrox next time. FillS were 3450 to 3550 depending on how long they sat in the sun. Final dive was almost 90 minutes and they either share air or bring a pony for air hogs. We dove Nov. 1-4. Great time
I could look at Eagle Rays all day! What camera set up do you have? Bummer about the viz and skeeters.

Does Raul have his own tanks? If he does, I would think that would take care of the O-ring problem. I know the guy I dive with tests every tank before it goes onto the boat to make sure the fill was correct and I thought Raul did also.

I've NEVER had a short fill, ever, diving with the op I go with. At the very worst, and very, very, rarely, a variation of ~50 lbs from the "correct" fill level, but I don't get too bent out of shape about that since it won't matter. What do you consider a "short" fill on an AL80?
"We noticed many of the tanks on the boat had bad o-rings which had to be replaced and many of the AL 80s air tanks had short fills."

What do you think is going on here ? More reports like this has me checking out those few ops that do their own fills, and not relying on the main central (short)fill station.

I can't say what is going on for sure. The o-ring issue I think is the fill station being cheap. The O-rings are easily replaced. Other trips we had no issues with 0-rings or fills. It generally seems to be a short term problem. It does shorten the dives a bit but our group was still getting 60-80 minutes per dive on average so for us it's not a huge deal but could be an inconvenience for those looking for more psi. I dived the AL 100 tanks and had no o-ring or fill issues.

---------- Post added November 15th, 2015 at 11:10 PM ----------

I could look at Eagle Rays all day! What camera set up do you have? Bummer about the viz and skeeters.

Does Raul have his own tanks? If he does, I would think that would take care of the O-ring problem. I know the guy I dive with tests every tank before it goes onto the boat to make sure the fill was correct and I thought Raul did also.

I've NEVER had a short fill, ever, diving with the op I go with. At the very worst, and very, very, rarely, a variation of ~50 lbs from the "correct" fill level, but I don't get too bent out of shape about that since it won't matter. What do you consider a "short" fill on an AL80?

I use Olympus OMD EM-5, 2 sea and sea strobes. I mostly used the 12-50 mm lens the entire trip. I did not use the macro lens at all this trip. Guess there were too many turtles and eagle rays.

Raul does not have his own AL80's and uses a fill station. We taxed him quite a bit with no days off and he had afternoon dives at times in addition to taking care of everyone's gear so tank checks weren't always done. So in the short term he brought O-rings and we swapped them. It didn't take that long.

The fills as told to me (I dived AL 100's and had not problems) was that they had 2600-2700 psi. Not all were like this - enough to be irritating. Not a huge difference but means less minutes. As I said in another reply, we as a group were getting 60-80 minutes average and pushing tables every day.
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