Yeah... People can try to stop the spread with the antibiotic or chlorine based silly putty followed by UW grinding wheels to cut grooves beyond the treated area as a secondary line of defense but it's futile... Kind of like the old days when airlines and restaurants had smoking and non-smoking sections. Anyone in a non-smoking section was breathing the same ambient air. Everything living in the oceans is living the same water.
Well they stopped it on that one for a bit. The infected dead areas had been that way for a while. The live part looked ok.
As for futile, are you saying all of those coral are dead men walking now. No sense trying to help at all? I am just guessing no matter how bad some of the brains will live, how small that number is I don't know. So some don't get infected. So if you stop the disease on one brain, why is it not possible it wont get reinfected?
I did see a lot of silly putty fails, but I saw a number winning. Seems worth the try.
And the non-smoking section did have less smoke....