Trip Report Cozumel Diving Jan/Feb 2023

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Diving Jan/Feb 2023 Cozumel, Mexico

We had friends come into Cozumel the end of January and the last left the beginning of February. I got in 9 days of diving. One dived 11 days. Some in the group got in a couple of night dives in addition to a couple of 4 tank days with twilight 2 tank dives.

We dove with Raul and Bottom Time divers again and he had many divers so he put out a second boat for the first week.

Weather was cool and partly cloudy with some rain. A few days of good sunshine over the two weeks. One day of thunderstorms left the streets flooded in town to the point where a couple of spots it was over the bottom of the doors on my vehicle but the seals good and no water got in. Everyone was driving very slowly.

Water temps were not too bad. On the boat was colder especially on days with wind. Quite a few sites had fresh water coming in so the temps dropped in those spots. We did not lose any days to nortes.

Visibility was down much of the trip though we had some sites with good vis. Due to the rains on some days we avoided Palancar Gardens and Horseshoe. Bricks and Caves on those days had better vis. Most dives were generally darker with lots of particulates in the water.

The current was generally mild all over. We did do the first half of Dalila backwards and then reversed. Very mild current though. Alot of fresh water coming into Dalila, more than I have seen there. Cedral pass, Tunich, Yucab and Tormentos were generally slow(er). However, we did have fast currents on Cedral wall and one on Tormentos a different day.

Parking at the Fonatur marina is still a pain but at least they got the other side of the street going north available for parking.

The furthest south we went were the Palancars and managed to get a trip north but not as far as San Juan or Barracuda. I did see a school of reef squid but did not get a good photo. We repeated some sites and did quite a few walls. We did mix it up a bit by doing half of one site and finishing on the next. There were alot of boats out.

There were many eagle rays, green moray eels, turtles, lot's of juvenile drums, and seahorses. Not many lionfish but did see larger ones on shallower reefs. I got a photo of a brown large eye toadfish. My friend just bought a new camera and he got the photo of what is most likely a pelagic tunicate/pyrosome. I posted on SB’s Name that Critter. I have seen them here before but not with the white dots in them.
One day I did not dive, though I wished I had, there was a great hammerhead on one of the Palancars. Raul (owner/DM) said it was not a scalloped hammerhead. That day my friend did not bring his camera. Figures.
I got a couple of jellyfish stings on the surface but not bad in general.

Generally, the tanks were good but we did have a couple of days with short tanks for some divers - 1500 to 2500 psi. In general, they were decent fills.

Coz Jan 2023 Balloonfish 001c.jpg

Banded Clinging Crab
Coz Jan 2023 Banded Clinging Crab 001c.jpg

Black Lined Sole
Coz Jan 2023 Black Lined Sole 001c.jpg

Blenny. Pike I believe. I didn't get a photo from another angle.
Coz Jan 2023 Blenny 001c.jpg

Burrfish on the north end
Coz Jan 2023 Burrfish 001c.jpg

Christmas Tree worm
Coz Jan 2023 Christmas Tree Worm 001c.jpg

This fish caught my eye and I only got a passing photo with the wrong settings. I think this is a Doctorfish but the partial white markings are unusual.
Coz Jan 2023 Doctorfish poss 001c.jpg

Coz Jan 2023 Fireworm 002c.jpg

French Grunts. I include this as me getting decent photos of fish schools is tough as the close in fish generally get blown out in the photo from reflective light. I think I am trying too hard to get all fish in the school lit up.
Coz Jan 2023 French Grunts 001c.jpg

More French Grunts. This one was not terribly exciting until I took out contrast and clarity in editing. Interesting for just me maybe.
Coz Jan 2023 French Grunts 003c.jpg
More photos

Green Moray eel. There were alot of them. This one has some cloudiness in one eye. Cataract? This one laid next to me while I was taking a close up photo of something else. Another diver let me know. Then he passed me, swung around and came back out the hole.
Coz Jan 2023 Green Moray Eel 002c.jpg

Green Moray Eel
Coz Jan 2023 Green Moray Eel 008c.jpg

Green Moray Eel. There were alot of them out free swimming this time.
Coz Jan 2023 Green Moray Eel 010c.jpg

Hawksbill Turtle going up for air.
Coz Jan 2023 Hawksbill Turtle 003c.jpg

Hawksbill Turtle. Good pose.
Coz Jan 2023 Hawksbill Turtle 004c.jpg

Large Eye Toadfish.
Coz Jan 2023 Large Eye Toadfish 002c.jpg

Lettuce Sea Slug
Coz Jan 2023 Lettuce Sea Slug 001c.jpg

Lionfish. The ones we saw at shallower depths were all larger. And many met their end.
Coz Jan 2023 Lionfish 001c.jpg

Loggerhead Turtle going back down.
Coz Jan 2023 Loggerhead Turtle 002c.jpg

Loggerhead Turtle. I think this is the same turtle as it seem to have some damage to it's left hind shell. Looks like old prop marks. Different site though.
Coz Jan 2023 Loggerhead Turtle 004c.jpg
More photos (overload?)

Longsnout Seahorse. There were alot of seahorses and in pairs. One I did not get was a male of a pair carrying eggs.
Coz Jan 2023 Longsnout Seahorse 002c.jpg

Longsnout Seahorse
Coz Jan 2023 Longsnout Seahorse 006c.jpg

Nurse shark
Coz Jan 2023 Nurse Shark 001c.jpg

Painted Elysia. I found another on a different site in the sand also. Normally I would expect to see these in amongst grasses or coral. Another diver did find two exhibiting trailing behavior.
Coz Jan 2023 Painted Elysia 002c.jpg

Pelagic Tunicate/Pyrosome. I posted this on SB's Name That Critter for an ID. I have seen the smooth ones in Cozumel but this is the first with the white dots. I would say this one is many feet long (5-10?). Photo by my friend Scott who is learning to use an underwater camera in manual mode. I hope I am giving him good advice with no task overload.
Coz Jan 2023 Pelagic Tunicate Pyrosome 001c.jpg

Same Pelagic Tunicate/Pyrosome. My searches on the internet showed some with white dots but not this long.
Coz Jan 2023 Pelagic Tunicate Pyrosome 002c.jpg

Reticulated Brittle Star. I always see these in sponges and not in sand. It is also missing a limb. As I was photographing it, it buried itself in the sand.
Coz Jan 2023 Reticulated Brittle Star 001c.jpg

Coz Jan 2023 Scorpionfish 001c.jpg

Sharpnose Puffer Fish
Coz Jan 2023 Sharpnose Puffer 001c.jpg

Splendid Toadfish
Coz Jan 2023 Splendid Toadfish 001c.jpg
More photos for those with lots of patience.
In the past I posted on photo hosting sites until they started messing with promised storage and charging for extra.

Juvenile Spotted Drums of various ages.
Coz Jan 2023 Spotted Drum 005c.jpg

Adult Spotted Drum
Coz Jan 2023 Spotted Drum 007c.jpg

Spotted Eagle Ray
Coz Jan 2023 Spotted Eagle Ray 001c.jpg

Spotted Eagle Ray
Coz Jan 2023 Spotted Eagle Ray 010c.jpg

Squat Anemone Shrimp
Coz Jan 2023 Squat Anemone Shrimp 001c.jpg

Coz Jan 2023 Tobaccofish 001c.jpg

Stoplight Parrotfish
Coz Jan 2023 Stoplight Parrotfish 001c.jpg
awesome pictures, and good report, thanks
Thanks for posting your awesome pictures. I always look forward to seeing what you found. I especially like the seahorses & juvenile spotted drumfish.
Incredible pictures, thank you for sharing
I love the banded clinging crab, very cool shot.
Thanks for the interesting array of wildlife. Always enjoy your photos.
Beautiful pictures, and I'm really liking the diversity that you found. It's been close to 20 years since we've dove Cozumel, and it's making my upcoming trip more exciting.

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