I'm interested to see what things look like. It's virtually certain that the shallows are not going to have fared that well; it's just the nature of hurricane surf. The deeper sites should be ok - I am thinking below 70 feet should be almost fine and dandy although I am no Marine Biologist) with some interesting new configurations by sand displacement. As to the other point (the "its his party and he can cry 'wolf' if he wants to") that would be true, except if you are spreading false and misleading information about others.
For example the "despite the number of sunken and damaged boats" thing: Dive Paradise lost one boat, one, out of the what, twenty they have? That doesn't sound so grave: certainly not as grave as the "despite the number of sunken and damaged boats "most" operators" nonsense. Methinks someone dost protesteth too much, and that's the first sign that everything is rotten in Denmark (or Cozumel in this instance), as it were..., my personal course of action is going to be to out all the misleaders and liars, and then hope they get exactly what they deserve: boycotted and ostracized for trying to profiteer on a tragedy. Let the normal market sort itself out on these issues: I have too many friends in Cozumel (old and new) and I just can't sit by and watch them be damaged here, or anywhere else.
For example the "despite the number of sunken and damaged boats" thing: Dive Paradise lost one boat, one, out of the what, twenty they have? That doesn't sound so grave: certainly not as grave as the "despite the number of sunken and damaged boats "most" operators" nonsense. Methinks someone dost protesteth too much, and that's the first sign that everything is rotten in Denmark (or Cozumel in this instance), as it were..., my personal course of action is going to be to out all the misleaders and liars, and then hope they get exactly what they deserve: boycotted and ostracized for trying to profiteer on a tragedy. Let the normal market sort itself out on these issues: I have too many friends in Cozumel (old and new) and I just can't sit by and watch them be damaged here, or anywhere else.