For the past couple of years now, I have been shooting with an Olympus OMD MKII in a Nauticam housing. It is a mirrorless camera that is a step up from a point and shoot. It's got a large rear monitor so easy for old eyes to see. I am using the 12-50 lens which allows you to shoot wide angle/telephoto and macro if you buy the appropriate port. So that cuts down on much of what you need to haul along and it's not that big a rig. I am using one YS-01 strobe (which I leave in Cozumel; only the camera and housing return to Canada). I also have a flip diopter but don't use it much. I can EASILY fit everything into a decent-sized camera bag which occupies less than 1/4 of my carry-on bag. This is the first Nauticam housing I have ever used (always used the Olympus housings with previous cameras) and I really, really like the housing. The housing cost more than the camera and lens as I recall....