Cozumel Condition - What's Up???

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Well, I have checked the board out for quite awhile.

I love diving Coz. It (Scubaboard)became very interesting with the disaster in Cozumel, and it has been a pretty good information source.

I just can't get over the inability of people, to look at the photos and make their own judgements based on what they see.

I don't see the tropical dive paradise that I have grown to love over the past decade in those pics.
I see local people trying to dig themselves out and to survive. I see hotels, restraunts, businesses, public works companies, military, taking one step at a time to get their lives back in order.
I see limited food and water. No electricity, huge amounts of garbage and debris.

I see hope, but not in a day, a week, or even a month. It will be a process.

Once basic needs are re-established, and things are cleaned up, then re-building can take place. After that, businesses can re-open and tourists can be welcomed with open arms into an environment which supports tourism again!
You know, I've been pretty patient about not asking any infomration about what's going on in Cozumel, despite the fact that I have plans scheduled there. The original thread that started this was (IMHO) a decent way to ask the question that needs to be asked: When will Cozumel be open for business?

Now I see two types of people that are bashing AllanHarr:

1.) Those who are from Cozumel, saying "let us get back to you when we know more," and

2.) Those who are from this board, saying "look at the pictures, you're not going anywhere, and you are an 4$$h01e for asking."

To those in group 1, thank you, I'll keep waiting - no hurry, and my thoughts are for the welfare of you and yours.

To those in group 2, I have a lot more words.

a.) Allan suggested this be a topic to collect information about hotels so people can understand how Wilma has affected their plans. For those who want to do more than just read the news and/or argue, I think this a great idea.

b.) Cozumel "opening" is not going to be like flipping a switch - some places will open earlier than others. The few people that had relatively little damage are probalby praying that people DON'T just assume everything is for s***, and come down there to start the economy again. To suggest that everyone wait until some magic curtain is pulled away and everything is perfect again is unrealistic.

c.) I am guessing there are a lot of people like me out there, who would love to figure out a way to help people in Cozumel get back on their feet again. However, I don't really think I'm comfortable saying "let me take the money I put aside for vacation and donate it to the Red Cross instead." Ideally, I'd like to figure out a way to get some pleasure from my contribution, and get the money to people I want to help. To me, that means going to Cozumel as soon as possible and buying goods and services, and being generous in my activities. I don't think it is wrong to try to find out whether people's scheduled vacation dates will allow that or not.

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing businesses in Cozumel will want tourists back as soon as possible, and will be eager to let us know when we can come back. I'm willing to wait, but I need to make decisions in the next couple weeks about what that means. If I cancel my trip and reschedule, and my hotel and DO were actually ready on the original date planned, I've just hurt their cash flow. In this critical time for the Cozumel economy, delays in cash flow may mean the difference between solvency and financial ruin to match that caused directly by Wilma.

So cut the guy some slack.

I see your point, and it is well stated.
With close friends in Coz, two trips so far this year, and the hope of a third trip, I see both sides of the coin.

I agree that businesses in Coz will want the tourists back, however, they need to come back in mass to positively impact the economy. Once the infrastructure can support those masses, Coz will rehabilitate in all its glory. I fear that prematurely inviting visitors will detract from the important business of rebuilding, and the visitor will have an inadequate experience, possibly resulting in booking future plans elsewhere.

I will not donate my vacation money to the Red Cross, and I can see how a few days diving, giving the DMs some really big tips is super-appealing. I just don't know if it really would help as much as an outright gift, allowing the DM to stay home with his family and rebuild his house.

I have lived in a resort town my entire life, and I own a business in a resort town. I depend on tourism completely. Our busy season is in the winter (ski season), and in the summer(cool mountain air!) Most businesses in town actually close for a month in the spring and a month in the fall, because it is more cost effecient. A few clients a day in my shop actually costs me money in overhead. I need to meet a certain threshhold in order to get into the black.

In the end, it is enlightning to see all of the different perspectives and reactions to Wilma. Scubaboard has its purpose. Cozumel will do what it will do inspite of any talk here on the board. Hotels will open when they open, and divers will start diving when the time is right!
I offer my advice as both an old fart and someone who visits Cozumel over 50 times in the past 20 years. (Actually forget the last part, that may not be relevant.)

The Mexican people are a people of great pride. They will always say they are not in need of anything, regardless. I suggest if you feel like making a donation, then do it now while the destruction is fresh in your mind; it will be in theirs for a long time to come and a week from now your job or your family may have torn you away from this board and you, like it or not, will forget - they won't have that luxury.

Also, imagine your house has just burnt to the ground and your neighbor pops in to ask when you think you will have it rebuilt? What would you personally tell your neighbor and in what tone?

Also if you have been to Mexico you must know that the simplest construction project can take many years and a massive one can take a few months, it just depends on who and how many are doing it and their level of motivation. Granted the motivation to get a move on should be the largest one in history, however, I would not imagine God himself could tell you at this moment when they will be done with any particular task.

So just keep reading and checking the photos and write ups. For other questions, your local psychic will likely be more helpful and accurate.
I'd say DonAnthony's right on the money here. Now is the time to donate money - imagine how you'd feel if in the space of one weekend, your entire ncome potential was cut off completely for the foreseeable future. :11:

Yes, they're working hard at getting things back to normal...but these folks weren't raking in money hand over fist to begin with. We're talking about waiters, hotel workers, front desk clerks, DMs, dive ops - you name it!...and most of them were cutting things relatively close to the bone to start with. They didn't have fat savings accounts to get them through that kind of loss - especially when they just tapped any savings they had to recover from Hurricane Emily just months before. Now they're faced with no income at ALL for at least several months, possibly much more. Plus many of them have lost their homes (or at least have substantial damage due to winds or flooding) to repair and little, if any, insurance to cover that. How would YOU handle that? I know that *I* have no idea.

What I do know from reports from people who are there is what they're doing is getting in there and working hard to repair things and those who have are sharing with those who don't. I believe that that's what we need to do...if we have, we need to share with those who don't - if we care about them at all.

One way to do that is through It's a grassroots fund for divers to help the diving community. 100% of the funds collected will go to members of the diving community who have no income right now. It was originally set up during Hurricane Emily by Christi of BlueXTSea Diving and Johnoly of the D2D Message board at A list of the recipients from Emily is on the website. It's not tax deductable, but every penny of every dollar goes directly to those who've helped us enjoy our dive trips to Coz to help them get through this. You can earmark someone to receive your funds if you wish. Please take a look and consider donating...even if it's only $5 or $10 - it WILL help.
I'd say DonAnthony's right on the money here. Now is the time to donate money - imagine how you'd feel if in the space of one weekend, your entire ncome potential was cut off completely for the foreseeable future. :11:

Yes, they're working hard at getting things back to normal...but these folks weren't raking in money hand over fist to begin with. We're talking about waiters, hotel workers, front desk clerks, DMs, dive ops - you name it!...and most of them were cutting things relatively close to the bone to start with. They didn't have fat savings accounts to get them through that kind of loss - especially when they just tapped any savings they had to recover from Hurricane Emily just months before. Now they're faced with no income at ALL for at least several months, possibly much more. Plus many of them have lost their homes (or at least have substantial damage due to winds or flooding) to repair and little, if any, insurance to cover that. How would YOU handle that? I know that *I* have no idea.

What I do know from reports from people who are there is what they're doing is getting in there and working hard to repair things and those who have are sharing with those who don't. I believe that that's what we need to do...if we have, we need to share with those who don't - if we care about them at all.

One way to do that is through It's a grassroots fund for divers to help the diving community. 100% of the funds collected will go to members of the diving community who have no income right now. It was originally set up during Hurricane Emily by Christi of BlueXTSea Diving and Johnoly of the D2D Message board at A list of the recipients from Emily is on the website. It's not tax deductable, but every penny of every dollar goes directly to those who've helped us enjoy our dive trips to Coz to help them get through this. You can earmark someone to receive your funds if you wish. Please take a look and consider donating...even if it's only $5 or $10 - it WILL help.

The paypal option won't work. It says something about a server error.
To clarify::headscrat
I am not going to donate my vacation money. I'm still going to use it for a dive vacation, to Coz. It will be after the new year, maybe even in the spring.

I may go down on a non-diving trip before then, to help out, if I honestly believe that I wouldn't be more of a burden than a helper. I have carpentry, plumbing, installation, painting, and manual labor skills, yet I am not convinced that I wouldn't be in the way.:bonk:

In the meantime, I will gift some money, specifically to some of my friends who are hurting. If the Cozumelrelief site doesn't work, I will Paypal directly to Christi as if I were sending a deposit through her website.:biggrinba
FULLY read other threads on the subject. I think there is more information contained in SB threads on the State of COZ than is available in the News including a LOT of photo's that make it clear that many parts of COZ were destroyed, or damanged beyond easy repair.

In short COZ is a major disaster.

While supporting tourism is certainly a good way to help COZ, COZ appears to be in no position to support tourism. At this time a better way to help is with aid. If any Sticky should be Stuck, it should be an organized list of ways help those in need.

Food is in great demand, flooding continues to be an issue, and I'm not clear if any aid is available or reaching the island yet. A list of organizations that will make SURE that funds donated actually made it to COZ would be an excellent resource.

Cancun is in just a big of a mess, and likely getting more of the governments attention at this point, but I doubt it is enough.
Look at the thread Hurricane Wilma update, Dave from Aldora has been keeping us updated almost every day and it looks like the clean up process is going well. there is even some electricity on part of the island, so unless your hotel is not open and there is no electricity there is no reason to cancell your trip. He says it should be up and running by mid novemeber which is when we are going. Kathy in Texas

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