Just got back from a too short 5 day/4 night trip to Coz, so here goes.
The Continental flight arrived at CZM a little early - 11:20 local time, and I was at the Aldora shop by noon. It would have been sooner, but had to wait for the shuttle van to fill with passengers. Next time Ill take the advice that Ive seen posted about walking the 100 yards to the street where taxis can pick you up, since I only had a carryon and backpack with me.
From start to finish, Aldora lived up to the glowing reports Ive seen on this board and others. At the office, Julian was polite and efficient, and got me through the paperwork for the diving, rental equipment and AOW certification quickly. I took a taxi to the Fiesta Americana, checked in, and by 2:15 was stepping onto the Aldora boat at the dive pier. I had the boat to myself - DM for this day was Mateo. We did the deep dive for the AOW on Cedral (97/1:00). A beautiful dive (they all were), with a pretty stiff current that kept us floating along at a good clip. Cudas, multiple pairs of filefish some doing their spawning dance" with each other - huge angels, cowfish, lobsters, a nurse shark you name it! We were cruising too fast to really home in on the small stuff, but was OK with me for a first dive. As we headed back, a large (15 20) group of dolphins swam within a few feet of the boat for quite a ways nice way to finish.
Second day, I did 2 dives with Bill. (Santa Rosa Wall 83/1:07 and Yucab 53/1:11.) Bill is gifted at spotting stuff, and he pointed out several Splendid Toadfish, Harlequin Shrimps, Flamingo Tongues, Arrow crabs etc. Highlight of these dives was a nurse shark who came around, and (unusual for a shy animal) stayed within 5 20 feet of us for about 20 minutes!
Third and fourth days, I did 3 tanks each with Mateo (Monday: Palancar Caves 100/1:03, Tormentos 58/1:10, Balones 63/1:20. Tuesday: Columbia 99/:49, Dalila 63/:56, Chankenaab 50/1:30. The 2 dives of less than an hour on Tuesday were with 2 couples that had just arrived. Other than these, I was the only diver and most of the time, the DM and I were the only ones on the reefs. The bottom times are not typos. The 120 steel tanks, combined with the computer, really do give you the longest dives Ive ever experienced. This was perfect since I had only a few days to get in as much diving as possible, but even if I have all the time in the world, Ill never dive Coz any other way from now on or with anyone but Aldora. Rental equipment was first rate, surface intervals at beautiful beaches instead of hanging around on a rocking boat, and Bill, Mateo and the boat captains could not have been more helpful, friendly and courteous.
Other stuff
Hotel: Fiesta Americana was great. I got a deal on Orbitz for $77/night (not AI for food, but that price included the12% hotel tax.) Large, 5th floor room with balcony overlooking the ocean. Just as nice, since Im an early riser, was the sunrise view over the jungle from the balcony outside the door to the room, not to mention the in-room coffee maker. Bottled water was only available in the room as part of the mini-bar at $4.00 US, so I bought gallons at the local market for $0.95, and used the mini-bar fridge for the Dos Equis I bought too. FA has a great location - 20 minutes or less to even the southern reefs (on the very fast Aldora boats, anyway). Rooms were clean, good strong hot showers, reliable maid service, instant taxis available for trips to town whats not to like? I only ate one breakfast there, so I cant really comment on the food. I always prefer to go into town for dinners. Speaking of which....
Restaurants: La Choza twice. Great both times, as usual. I was disappointed to find that theyve gotten smart about selling their fantastic golden salsa. Last time in Coz, they sold me a 2 liter bottle for something like $3.00 US. This time it was $6.00 US for a pint sized bottle, but since my wife had threatened divorce if I returned without the sauce, I ponied up the dough. I also ate at La Mission (the uptown one with the large grounds and 2 lions, 3 monkeys, 4 rabbits on display, not to mention the multiple parrots in cages in the restaurant.) Good garlic shrimp and tortilla soup, but no better than La Choza and 50% more expensive. Last meal was at El Capi Navigante. Outstanding seafood (Capi) soup and broiled grouper.
Weather etc.: Great every day, even though showed t-storms in forecast for each day. It was quite hot and humid, but the only rain was a brief shower on Sunday. The flies were out in force everywhere there was food, and the mosquitoes started really biting as soon as the sun went down, sometimes sooner. Very glad I brought Deet bug spray and anti-itch cream.
All in all a fabulous trip Im starting to plan the next one already! If anyone wants even more details, please feel free to contact me.
The Continental flight arrived at CZM a little early - 11:20 local time, and I was at the Aldora shop by noon. It would have been sooner, but had to wait for the shuttle van to fill with passengers. Next time Ill take the advice that Ive seen posted about walking the 100 yards to the street where taxis can pick you up, since I only had a carryon and backpack with me.
From start to finish, Aldora lived up to the glowing reports Ive seen on this board and others. At the office, Julian was polite and efficient, and got me through the paperwork for the diving, rental equipment and AOW certification quickly. I took a taxi to the Fiesta Americana, checked in, and by 2:15 was stepping onto the Aldora boat at the dive pier. I had the boat to myself - DM for this day was Mateo. We did the deep dive for the AOW on Cedral (97/1:00). A beautiful dive (they all were), with a pretty stiff current that kept us floating along at a good clip. Cudas, multiple pairs of filefish some doing their spawning dance" with each other - huge angels, cowfish, lobsters, a nurse shark you name it! We were cruising too fast to really home in on the small stuff, but was OK with me for a first dive. As we headed back, a large (15 20) group of dolphins swam within a few feet of the boat for quite a ways nice way to finish.
Second day, I did 2 dives with Bill. (Santa Rosa Wall 83/1:07 and Yucab 53/1:11.) Bill is gifted at spotting stuff, and he pointed out several Splendid Toadfish, Harlequin Shrimps, Flamingo Tongues, Arrow crabs etc. Highlight of these dives was a nurse shark who came around, and (unusual for a shy animal) stayed within 5 20 feet of us for about 20 minutes!
Third and fourth days, I did 3 tanks each with Mateo (Monday: Palancar Caves 100/1:03, Tormentos 58/1:10, Balones 63/1:20. Tuesday: Columbia 99/:49, Dalila 63/:56, Chankenaab 50/1:30. The 2 dives of less than an hour on Tuesday were with 2 couples that had just arrived. Other than these, I was the only diver and most of the time, the DM and I were the only ones on the reefs. The bottom times are not typos. The 120 steel tanks, combined with the computer, really do give you the longest dives Ive ever experienced. This was perfect since I had only a few days to get in as much diving as possible, but even if I have all the time in the world, Ill never dive Coz any other way from now on or with anyone but Aldora. Rental equipment was first rate, surface intervals at beautiful beaches instead of hanging around on a rocking boat, and Bill, Mateo and the boat captains could not have been more helpful, friendly and courteous.
Other stuff
Hotel: Fiesta Americana was great. I got a deal on Orbitz for $77/night (not AI for food, but that price included the12% hotel tax.) Large, 5th floor room with balcony overlooking the ocean. Just as nice, since Im an early riser, was the sunrise view over the jungle from the balcony outside the door to the room, not to mention the in-room coffee maker. Bottled water was only available in the room as part of the mini-bar at $4.00 US, so I bought gallons at the local market for $0.95, and used the mini-bar fridge for the Dos Equis I bought too. FA has a great location - 20 minutes or less to even the southern reefs (on the very fast Aldora boats, anyway). Rooms were clean, good strong hot showers, reliable maid service, instant taxis available for trips to town whats not to like? I only ate one breakfast there, so I cant really comment on the food. I always prefer to go into town for dinners. Speaking of which....
Restaurants: La Choza twice. Great both times, as usual. I was disappointed to find that theyve gotten smart about selling their fantastic golden salsa. Last time in Coz, they sold me a 2 liter bottle for something like $3.00 US. This time it was $6.00 US for a pint sized bottle, but since my wife had threatened divorce if I returned without the sauce, I ponied up the dough. I also ate at La Mission (the uptown one with the large grounds and 2 lions, 3 monkeys, 4 rabbits on display, not to mention the multiple parrots in cages in the restaurant.) Good garlic shrimp and tortilla soup, but no better than La Choza and 50% more expensive. Last meal was at El Capi Navigante. Outstanding seafood (Capi) soup and broiled grouper.
Weather etc.: Great every day, even though showed t-storms in forecast for each day. It was quite hot and humid, but the only rain was a brief shower on Sunday. The flies were out in force everywhere there was food, and the mosquitoes started really biting as soon as the sun went down, sometimes sooner. Very glad I brought Deet bug spray and anti-itch cream.
All in all a fabulous trip Im starting to plan the next one already! If anyone wants even more details, please feel free to contact me.