Coz Swim-Throughs

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Scuba Instructor
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Chicago Area (Naperville to be exact)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
On average, how big are the swim-throughs in Cozumel? I do get a little closterphobic and I'm just curious how small the spaces are. Thanks for the info.
The swim-throughs at Palancar Caves were by and large pretty big. I scraped on one or two. If you are good with your bouyancy control try staying low and use your fingers to move yourself rather than finning up the silt. If you stay tighter to the bottom it makes the swim-throughs seem a lot bigger.
Swimthrus tend to be relatively short. If you really hate the look of one, swim over and meet the caver wannabees on the nuther side. My wife does it all the time. There's generally enuf porosity in the coral to allow bubbles to bleed thru to show you where the unclaustrophobic are going. My wife has become adept at following the bubbles and meeting us on the nuther side.

Claustrophobia is real. But it's not an issue with her. She can't ride in the back seat of a small car without getting uncomfortable, so she just says so and makes the macho folk ride in the back. In most things she has bigger cojones than any of the guys I know.


I'm 6'5" and go about 310lbs so if I don't have a problem you'll be fine. I can get a bit closterphobic myself and I never had that feeling in the least.
My wife recently did her first swim throughs in Coz in May. I think the site was called Palancar Bricks, or Palancar Cave. This was on about her 5th or 6th dive ever, and she did fine. She's not overly adventuresome, and she had a blast with it. Turned out the swim throughs were her favorite part! I bet you'll do fine with it.
I always take a light with me. The swimthroughs are generally well lit from ambient sunlight, but I can use the light for lighting things up a little more and peering into side grottoes. I'm a little claustro myself, but I have never had a prob with swimthroughs around Coz.
Texasscuba once bubbled...
Which swim thu is called Devil's Throat?
That would be Punta Sur, and it's not your normal Cozumel swimthrough. It's vertical, down through the reef, and opens out at about 130'.
The swim throughs at Columbia and Palancar are not bad at all in regards to size and light. However, if you dive the C-53 there are some pitch black areas (not for long though) and some tighter squeezes.
Thanks ggunn, that's the one my daughter and I are going for this year. And about the C-53, that was my first wreck dive and I loved it. Is anyone going to Cozumel the first of August?


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