COZ: Restaurants and Bars Xmas Eve and Xmas Day?

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Scuba Instructor
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Pacific Northwest, USA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I have been to Cozumel various times and various times of the year, but never over Christmas week. For those in the know, should I anticipate a certain amount of closures and scrambling for food and drinks on Xmas Eve and Xmas Day? I will be staying right in the heart of downtown- so, referring to all of the spots down there.
Perhaps your best option might be to contact the hotel that you plan on staying at. They might have a hotel restaurant or at least it is likely that they have run into this question before (every year???) from their guests.

Good luck in your quest to find someplace, but just in case, don't forget to have a "Plan B" ready to go.
X-mas is really celebrated in Mexico on X-mas eve. I'm a bit bummed about having to fly out on X-mas eve as it is like the one time of the year the island says to heck with the tourists, this is our time, and $ and business will just have to wait. Parties run late into the night and early morning and fireworks can be heard into the wee hours (no, they're not gun shots). You'll find most everything will close mid to late afternoon on X-mas eve. There will be a few restaurants still open but very few. If I recall Casa Cuzamil in-town has been open X-mas eve the past few trips. X-mas day most everything in-town is closed in the morning but opens mid to late afternoon. Dive ops may not offer afternoon trips on X-mas eve but on X-mas day my dive op is up and running its regular schedule as it's peak season, the boats are full, and there is money to be gladly made by all.

Also.. NOTHING stops the unrelenting arrival of cruise ships (not even X-mas). With port closures due to the hurricanes hitting other popular cruise ship ports in the Caribbean I expect Cozumel's ports will be at maximum capacity every day throughout the season.
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There's an active thread under CZM discussing this very topic.........
No problems. Lots of places close early Christmas Eve, but it's not too hard to find an open place downtown, and things are back to normal by Christmas afternoon. My dive op doesn't go out on Christmas day, but some do.
Yeah I'm concerned I'll starve Xmas eve and Xmas morning too! Should stock up at mega cookies and stuff just in case nothing is open! I'll bring some ramen cup noodles also.
If all else fails, sneak into an AI and fill your pockets :)
IMO, if you are on Cozumel on Christmas Day, maybe you should stop being a tourist for a day. No offense intended.
IMO, if you are on Cozumel on Christmas Day, maybe you should stop being a tourist for a day. No offense intended.

Eeerrrr are you suggesting locals don't eat on Xmas eve and Xmas day lol?
Eeerrrr are you suggesting locals don't eat on Xmas eve and Xmas day lol?
Of course not. I merely suggest that we cut the people who live on the island some slack on Christmas.

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