Coz in September?

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We typically go to Coz yearly in early October. We've never been blown out. We would get a bit of rain daily but generally late in the day and it never lasted long.

I love that the crowds are down. It is my favorite time to visit the island. We always get trip insurance but have never had to use it.

Have a wonderful time!
I have had great weather in Oct, and blown out by Nortes in Jan. If you look at the NOAA maps of historical hurricane tracks, there is a definite risk of bad weather...Personally, I would book it, buy insurance if its reasonable, and watch the weather sites religiously. You dont want to be on any islands when they get hit.
Depending on how you pay, some Credit Cards offer trip insurance.

My wife and I went late October last year and are going again this year. Weather was gorgeous! Port was closed a couple of days but we got plenty of diving in.
I'm always in Cozumel at the end of September, since that's when our daughter died and it's our happy place.

I really love the island in late September and early October. It's quiet in the off-season. Unfortunately, it's also "Septhambre" when business is slow and some businesses close seasonally.

It can be rainy. If we needed to dive every day, that could be a problem, but we enjoy just hanging around and watching the iguanas or whatever. The weather has usually been really nice for us in September, though. I keep hoping to get caught on the island by a hurricane so I don't have to go back, but I've only encountered actual hurricanes in the US. We managed to dodge both Emily and Wilma in 2005.
I really love the island in late September and early October. It's quiet in the off-season. Unfortunately, it's also "Septhambre" when business is slow and some businesses close seasonally.

I have to say that I've enjoyed dining in the square at Casa Denis in the off-season when the restaurants and waiters are fighting over the few patrons walking about. A restaurant with 2-3 tables filled sure looks more appealing than one with no tables filled. As such, in the off season we noticed that food seems to take longer to make it to the table from ordering and after dinner we were commonly offered (and accepted) free drinks just to keep us sitting there. One night we had say enough was enough as we were starting to get loaded and had to be diving the next day... and they were sad to see us leave. However, booze is cheap and those 2-3 tables of customers kept other tables filling as time went on while other restaurants in view remained empty. And of course, Casa Denis always delivers the free shot of Tequila at the end of your meal. At X-mas time it is a very special shot mixed with I don't know what but it is like a yummy Mexican Christmas served in a shot glass.
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