Coz Advice

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Spokane, WA
I'm going to Coz for the first time in March. Does everyone bring their own bottled water, buy bottled water, drink the water at the hotel? at the restaurants?

Any other hints for avoiding Montezuma's Revenge?

Any other helpful hints for above the water living?


Bottled water is readily available. Ice didn't bother me. Be careful and you won't have any problems.
You can buy lots of bottled water at the Supermarket there.:)
The best supermarket is right across from Plaza Las Glorias on the main drag just south of town.
As has already been said, bottled water is readily available anywhere in Cozumel. Be aware and think about the other places that those nasty bacteria may be in fresh fruit & veggies that have been handled by unclean hands. A salad can be one of the worst places...for two main reasons....the vegetables may already be contaminated before they are "washed" in the water which may be contaminated. The most likely place to pick up the e. coli would be from improperly or unwashed hands of the food handlers who are chopping and mixing the foods that will not undergo cooking to kill any bacteria. And that, my friend, brings us to the main source of the "revenge" that I hadn't even thought about until recently.

I read an article just within the past two days in Undercurrent stating that one of the main sources of e. coli related sickeness is SALSA....Oh no...and I thought all that "heat" would kill the bacteria...LOL. Unfortunately, according to the article - a very high percentage of salsas, jalapeno sauces and guacamole in Mexico that were tested by researchers from the University of Texas - tested positive for e. coli. Actually two-third of them and with contamination levels 1,000 times more than samples tested in restaurants in Houston. Further tests indicated that they also contained two particular nasty strains of e. coli that account for 50% of all cases of diarrhea that travelers experience. One releases a toxin while the other causes inflammation....a buddy team you want to avoid!!

The bugs come from human feces and contaminate the sauces
by way of unwashed hands of the food handlers. This only makes sense when you consider the salsa is made from raw vegegables, chopped on possibly contaminated surfaces and excessively handled (never cooked) and made in large batches which sit around unrefrigerated for long periods of time. Adding to this - in Mexico,the SAME sauces may sit on the table all day. Not only are they unrefrigerated, but may also be further contaminated by consecetuve diners sticking their fingers in them as they dip their chips.

OK OK - you say - I get the picture!!! But what's a Mexican vacation without salsa or guacamole?

Well, just remember to think about what you are drinking and eating and in what quantity you are ingesting the "at risk" foods. AND do as we always do - take daily doses of that pink anti-acid, anti-diarrhea, anti-everything elixir - Pepto or the generic version thereof.

For diving, of course, you will need to be hydrating yourself with water - drink LOTS of bottled water - you can get it in very large bottles at the supermercado near Plaza Las Glorias and refill your own smaller bottles. They have the pink stuff too!!!

I love Cozumel and the town of San Miguel. People are wonderful and the diving is great!! Our last trip there was just two months ago....can't wait to return. Eat safely. Dive safely and ENJOY!!
Uncooked veggies can do you in. Citrus juice (as in - limes) will kill the bacteria in the water that those uncooked veggies(salsa veggies) may be washed in, so if you enjoy some salsa down there, it's not a bad idea to squeeze lotsa lime juice in or on it. It's not foolproof but it will help.

Also, some of the hotels boast reverse osmosis water purification, but I wouldn't trust it if I were you. Last time I stayed at Fiesta Americana, I think their system went down because twice on the trip the water came out of the tap with a sort of brownish tint. It only lasted about a half hour or so each time. Unfortunately for me the 2nd time was as I was getting ready in the morning right before we had to leave for the airport to come home. I had no bottled water with me, and I had been drinking their tap water with no problems thus far or on two previous trips to the same hotel. I brushed my teeth and rinsed with the water without swallowing. I needed to take some medication orally and was reluctant to swallow it but took two swallows, just enough to get the pills down. I got it bad when I got home! It affected me for about a month afterwards. I even had to go to the doctor, give the lab a little cup full of turd, and get medicine for it....and it still took a month to completely shake..and oh the cramps it gave me were from hell. This next time (1/31/03)'s bottled water all the way!
The lime juice used in that manner may not do the trick....but like you say - couldn't hurt. I think that the lime juice may be somewhat effective in killing roundworms & the oil may kill fungi...(and that's a good thing) but in order for it to "cook bacteria" it would have to be a higher concentration and marinated for a longer period of time than just squeezing a lime on your food and eating it immediately. Maybe there are some "experts" out there in microbiology and/or food science & technology that could further enlighten us on this. I'll do a search on here to see what other info I can find. Now I'm really curious.

And then there's the question of whether the fruit juices are safe. Fresh squeezed juices would be risky for exactly the same reasons as the salsa. Pasteurized juices would not be a problem - heat kills the e. coli. So....could you put some fresh lime juice in the fresh (other) fruit juice, let it sit for a couple hours and it be safe? Like I said, now I'm curious.

As for fresh fruit. I love it and buy it locally in Cozumel. However; I also but a small bottle of chlorine bleach and use a weak concentration of chlorine water to soak the fruit in prior to eating.

And as for the water issue - I totally agree with Zagnut too about the high risk. Don't take the chance. Even one sip can do it. I brush my teeth with bottled water while out of the country. Maybe it's being overly cautious but I certainly don't want to ruin my vacation and perhaps have a long recovery period once I'm home - as did Zagnut and others I've heard of. Some still having problems even 6 months or longer afterward whether it was from something they drank or ate.
Search results: There's an ongoing discussion right now as we Diving Medicine - Montezuma's Revenge and Amoxicillin.....

Check it out.......but it doesn't say anything about the lime juice!! Same info about the articles I more info....
where do you think this "bottled" water is bottled in Mexico??

who do you think "inspects" the "bottled" water in Mexico??

Just cause it's in a bottle Americans think it's better. I would not be surpised if "bottled" water is out of Mexico's public tap-if not worse.

Boiling ALL water is your best bet-bottled or otherwise- if you have problems with diarhea.
Buff, you're right about the quality control. You never really know. Some of it IS probably out of the is some of it here in the US.... And, of course, boiling is the ideal prevention but not always do take our chances, no matter what..
I just try to reduce the chances of getting sick any possible way I can think of and are able to realistically do so and hope the odds are in my favor when it comes to a particular brand of bottled water.

Rich...Boil if you can...Drink the Pink and take the Imodium AD with you too just in case. ENJOY COZUMEL underwater and above. It's great fun.

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