Covid testing in Cozumel

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Well, IF there is no checking that its an approve lab, which I still doubt, that probably possible. But honestly if no one is checking, you could probably find a crappy lab to do the same thing, right?

STILL easier to right click my card photo above, print and write your name on it.....

You are making the assumption that they are checking everything against a list of approved labs, making sure that the URL is correct vs just looking for the no status. Most airlines reps seem more concerned about getting through the line then trying to root out fraud.

Yes the vaccine card is easier, but the test fraud isn't impossible either. In either case worrying about it is spending time gnashing your teeth over something fairly minor we concentrate on what is important, getting the vaccine into the vulnerable, followed by anyone else that is willing to take it. After that we should largely be able to go back to normal.
I don't think that is the case, if I am presenting a PCR test at check in I can easily present a vaccination card. And the data showing that vaccinated people not only don't get symptoms, but don't get the virus in any significant numbers, and if they do get the virus they rarely get a high enough viral load to transmit it easily; that data is a couple of months old now.

Other countries have actually acted on it well before we did, because the virus response is less political there. I think that the covid guidelines have always been political, when Trump was in office they were probably overly loose, Biden came in office promising that they would be tightened. And now they are finding that it is hurting the economic recovery and people are asking "Why should get an unproven vaccine if it doesn't even improve anything for me?" That is why you have the sudden change, it literally changed overnight without the usual signals you get with changes.

I think the covid guidelines are political everywhere. Look at all the nonsense measures they are still doing in Cozumel, like stepping on a mat when entering the store which has not been recommended ever by any authoritative body, or wearing a mask outdoors walking down the sidewalk or even driving alone in your own car. There's zero science behind it, it's all political theater to look like something is being done and to create an illusion of safety for tourism.
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Unless they are verifying the test results, which highly unlikely considering the amount of passengers on each flight, it would be just as easy to make fake COVID tests. It is a piece of paper, an email, or a website. So either way you are operating on faith IMO.

You have no way to know what they are or aren't doing behind the scenes. They are requiring passports and this information is getting recorded. For all we know, the results of every covid test in Coz go into a database and shared/accessible by the airlines. For all we know, the airline already knows if you had a test and the results before you step up to the counter. I'm not saying this is the case just that the data and technology is there.
...Yes the vaccine card is easier, but the test fraud isn't impossible either.

Meh. The "fake" card in fleebay link above is not fake. I've one exactly like it and I got jabbed twice for it. In a proper hospital with nurses and stuff, so I'm fairly certain none of that was fake. I was asked to not laminate it in case "they decide more booster shots are needed", that's why there's 2 more rows marked "other" there: the room to write those in.

The stuff on mine is hand-scribbled in and they mis-spelled my surname too. "Fake" card my shoulder.
Get the vaccine, no worries. If somebody fakes the test results, you’re as protected against their actions as you could ever be. If you don’t want the vaccine, then that’s okay too. You’re still protected against their actions as you would ever want to be.
Not really that hard.

Here go buy yourself an iPad from Apple

ETA: The link is safe, it is a proof of concept of why unicode URLs are a bad idea.

Amateur hack. A simple inspection shows that it is an uppercase I "eye" not an "ell".
Get the vaccine, no worries. If somebody fakes the test results, you’re as protected against their actions as you could ever be. If you don’t want the vaccine, then that’s okay too. You’re still protected against their actions as you would ever want to be.

Well of course. Get that vaccine. But what else are we going to argue about while I wait on my 3rd coz trip post vax? Apparently everyone else is going too. Costing me twice as much for June as either April or May trips.

For the win:
You are making the assumption that they are checking everything against a list of approved labs, making sure that the URL is correct vs just looking for the no status. Most airlines reps seem more concerned about getting through the line then trying to root out fraud.

Yes the vaccine card is easier, but the test fraud isn't impossible either. In either case worrying about it is spending time gnashing your teeth over something fairly minor we concentrate on what is important, getting the vaccine into the vulnerable, followed by anyone else that is willing to take it. After that we should largely be able to go back to normal.

Seems you're making the assumption that they aren't.

Nothing is unhackable or unfakable, given enough motivation and resources. The original point is that the vaccine card is much more easily faked and you seem to agree now.
Well I got Pfizer. I suppose we could argue about that, but I’m trying to convince the family to try the cenotes and whale sharks when we go down this summer. My main concern is a breakthough asymptotic infection that results in a positive test results coming back, a la NY Yankees.
Amateur hack. A simple inspection shows that it is an uppercase I "eye" not an "ell".

Actually it isn't, it is a unicode Cyrillic letter. And there are dozens of unicode letters that you can replace. I chose that one because it was working at the time, and appeared to still be working in Firefox.

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