Tridacna, I don't get the point of your post. Do you just want to argue over semantics? I recommend the vaccine. I was shoulder to shoulder with a coworker who was positive on Thursday. We flew for over an hour in a small aircraft without masks. He was contagious at the time. He and his entire family were diagnosed on Monday as covid positive. I was tested Tuesday, and the results were negative. No sign of Covid present in the sample. I don't know about you, but to me that means I "don't have the disease".
Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy. Do some still get pregnant while using condoms? Yes. Does that mean you don't recommend using condoms to prevent pregnancy? The vaccine has been shown to be 94% effective at preventing covid disease.
You can argue semantics all day long, but what point are you trying to make? If you just want to prove you can find technical reasons to disagree, fine. In the real world, the vaccine shows it works. It worked for me. I don't think any of your posts change the immutable fact that the vaccine is effective.
Nothing to do with semantics. I disagree with your logic. I too have received my first shot but do not believe that it confers an added level of total immunity yet. I think that I may still get infected but only mildly and unlikely to to have serious symptoms. Until we've achieved some modicum of community immunity, it's still unsafe to hang out with others who may be infectious spreaders. I am currently working with a pharma company analyzing trial vaccine data sets. Results are interesting and I don't see 100% immunity being conferred by any of the currently available vaccines. I suspect that you avoiding infection was less a function of vaccinal immunity and more luck.